Commit 13ce1a45 authored by Vitaliy Margolen's avatar Vitaliy Margolen Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dinput: Ignore repeated key events.

parent 5702a310
......@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardCallback( int code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
/** returns now if key event already known */
new_diks = (down ? 0x80 : 0);
/*if (new_diks != DInputKeyState[dik_code]) return CallNextHookEx(keyboard_hook, code, wparam, lparam); TO BE FIXED */
if (new_diks == DInputKeyState[dik_code])
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wparam, lparam);
DInputKeyState[dik_code] = new_diks;
TRACE(" setting %02X to %02X\n", dik_code, DInputKeyState[dik_code]);
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