Commit 14263ab0 authored by Vincent Béron's avatar Vincent Béron Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Move the implementation of GetDefaultCommConfig from A to W.

Get rid of a W->A cross call at the same time.
parent b370abab
......@@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetDefaultCommConfigW(
* GetDefaultCommConfigA (KERNEL32.@)
* GetDefaultCommConfigW (KERNEL32.@)
* Acquires the default configuration of the specified communication device. (unicode)
......@@ -2199,22 +2199,24 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetDefaultCommConfigW(
* True on successful reading of the default configuration,
* if the device is not found or the buffer is too small.
BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultCommConfigA(
LPCSTR lpszName, /* [in] The ascii name of the device targeted for configuration. */
BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultCommConfigW(
LPCWSTR lpszName, /* [in] The unicode name of the device targeted for configuration. */
LPCOMMCONFIG lpCC, /* [out] The default configuration for the device. */
LPDWORD lpdwSize) /* [in/out] Initially the size of the default configuration buffer,
afterwards the number of bytes copied to the buffer or
the needed size of the buffer. */
LPDCB lpdcb = &(lpCC->dcb);
char temp[40];
WCHAR temp[40];
const WCHAR comW[] = {'C','O','M',0};
const WCHAR formatW[] = {'C','O','M','%','c',':','3','8','4','0','0',',','n',',','8',',','1',0};
if (strncasecmp(lpszName,"COM",3)) {
ERR("not implemented for <%s>\n", lpszName);
if (strncmpiW(lpszName,comW,3)) {
ERR("not implemented for <%s>\n", debugstr_w(lpszName));
return FALSE;
TRACE("(%s %p %ld)\n", lpszName, lpCC, *lpdwSize );
TRACE("(%s %p %ld)\n", debugstr_w(lpszName), lpCC, *lpdwSize );
if (*lpdwSize < sizeof(COMMCONFIG)) {
*lpdwSize = sizeof(COMMCONFIG);
return FALSE;
......@@ -2228,38 +2230,38 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultCommConfigA(
lpCC->dwProviderOffset = 0L;
lpCC->dwProviderSize = 0L;
sprintf( temp, "COM%c:38400,n,8,1", lpszName[3]);
FIXME("setting %s as default\n", temp);
sprintfW( temp, formatW, lpszName[3]);
FIXME("setting %s as default\n", debugstr_w(temp));
return BuildCommDCBA( temp, lpdcb);
return BuildCommDCBW( temp, lpdcb);
* GetDefaultCommConfigW (KERNEL32.@)
* GetDefaultCommConfigA (KERNEL32.@)
* Acquires the default configuration of the specified communication device. (unicode)
* Acquires the default configuration of the specified communication device. (ascii)
* True on successful reading of the default configuration,
* if the device is not found or the buffer is too small.
BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultCommConfigW(
LPCWSTR lpszName, /* [in] The unicode name of the device targeted for configuration. */
BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultCommConfigA(
LPCSTR lpszName, /* [in] The ascii name of the device targeted for configuration. */
LPCOMMCONFIG lpCC, /* [out] The default configuration for the device. */
LPDWORD lpdwSize) /* [in/out] Initially the size of the default configuration buffer,
afterwards the number of bytes copied to the buffer or
the needed size of the buffer. */
LPSTR lpszNameA;
lpszNameA = HEAP_strdupWtoA( GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpszName );
if (lpszNameA)
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpszNameA );
if(lpszName) RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&lpszNameW,lpszName);
else lpszNameW.Buffer = NULL;
if(lpszNameW.Buffer) ret = GetDefaultCommConfigW(lpszNameW.Buffer,lpCC,lpdwSize);
return ret;
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