Commit 175234c8 authored by Patrik Stridvall's avatar Patrik Stridvall Committed by Alexandre Julliard

- Proper handling of GDI32 and USER32.

- Added PACKAGE_* for the config.h generation. - Proper include path for the resource compiler. - Minor bug fixes and improvements.
parent 81735bed
......@@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ foreach my $spec_file (@spec_files) {
my @gdi32_dirs = qw(dlls/gdi/enhmfdrv dlls/gdi/mfdrv dlls/gdi/win16drv graphics objects);
my @ntdll_dirs = qw(files if1632 loader/ne loader memory misc msdos ole relay32 scheduler win32);
my @user32_dirs = qw(controls dlls/user/dde windows);
push @makefile_in_files, "library/";
push @makefile_in_files, "unicode/";
......@@ -249,7 +251,32 @@ MAKEFILE_IN: foreach my $makefile_in_file (@makefile_in_files) {
my $dsp_file = $makefile_in_file;
$dsp_file =~ s/$/$project.dsp/;
if($module eq "ntdll.dll") {
if($module eq "gdi32.dll") {
foreach my $dir (@gdi32_dirs) {
my $dir2 = $dir;
$dir2 =~ s%^.*?/([^/]+)$%$1%;
my $module = "gdi32_$dir2.lib";
$module =~ s%/%_%g;
my $project = "gdi32_$dir2";
$project =~ s%/%_%g;
my $type = "lib";
my $dsp_file = "$dir/$project.dsp";
($source_files, my $local_source_files) = filter_files($source_files, "$dir2/");
($header_files, my $local_header_files) = filter_files($header_files, "$dir2/");
($resource_files, my $local_resource_files) = filter_files($resource_files, "$dir2/");
$modules{$module}{project} = $project;
$modules{$module}{type} = $type;
$modules{$module}{dsp_file} = $dsp_file;
$modules{$module}{source_files} = $local_source_files;
$modules{$module}{header_files} = $local_header_files;
$modules{$module}{resource_files} = $local_resource_files;
} elsif($module eq "ntdll.dll") {
foreach my $dir (@ntdll_dirs) {
my $module = "ntdll_$dir.lib";
$module =~ s%/%_%g;
......@@ -271,6 +298,31 @@ MAKEFILE_IN: foreach my $makefile_in_file (@makefile_in_files) {
$modules{$module}{header_files} = $local_header_files;
$modules{$module}{resource_files} = $local_resource_files;
} elsif($module eq "user32.dll") {
foreach my $dir (@user32_dirs) {
my $dir2 = $dir;
$dir2 =~ s%^.*?/([^/]+)$%$1%;
my $module = "user32_$dir2.lib";
$module =~ s%/%_%g;
my $project = "user32_$dir2";
$project =~ s%/%_%g;
my $type = "lib";
my $dsp_file = "$dir/$project.dsp";
($source_files, my $local_source_files) = filter_files($source_files, "$dir2/");
($header_files, my $local_header_files) = filter_files($header_files, "$dir2/");
($resource_files, my $local_resource_files) = filter_files($resource_files, "$dir2/");
$modules{$module}{project} = $project;
$modules{$module}{type} = $type;
$modules{$module}{dsp_file} = $dsp_file;
$modules{$module}{source_files} = $local_source_files;
$modules{$module}{header_files} = $local_header_files;
$modules{$module}{resource_files} = $local_resource_files;
$modules{$module}{project} = $project;
......@@ -329,7 +381,7 @@ sub _generate_dsp {
my @resource_files = @{$modules{$module}{resource_files}};
if($project !~ /^(?:wine(?:_unicode)?|winebuild)$/ &&
$project !~ /^ntdll_.+?$/)
$project !~ /^(?:gdi32|ntdll|user32)_.+?$/)
push @source_files, "$project.spec";
# push @source_files, "$project.spec.c";
......@@ -497,19 +549,33 @@ sub _generate_dsp {
my @includes = ();
if($wine) {
push @defines2, "_\U${project}\E_";
push @defines2, "__WINE__" if $module !~ /^winebuild\.exe$/;
push @defines2, qw(__i386__ _X86_);
print OUT " /X" if $msvc_headers;
my @includes = ();
if($msvc_headers) {
push @includes, $msvc_include;
if($project =~ /^gdi32_(?:enhmfdrv|mfdrv|win16drv)$/) {
push @includes, "..";
if($project =~ /^user32_(?:controls|windows)$/) {
push @includes, "..\\dlls\\user";
if($project =~ /^user32_dde$/) {
push @includes, "..";
push @includes, $wine_include_dir;
if($wine) {
print OUT " /X" if $msvc_headers;
foreach my $include (@includes) {
print OUT " /I \"$include\"";
......@@ -535,13 +601,25 @@ sub _generate_dsp {
print OUT "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n" if !$lib;
print OUT "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n" if !$lib;
print OUT "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x41d /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD RSC /l 0x41d /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD RSC /l 0x41d";
if($wine) {
foreach my $include (@includes) {
print OUT " /I \"$include\"";
print OUT " /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n";
} else {
print OUT "# SUBTRACT CPP /YX\r\n" if !$lib;;
print OUT "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n" if !$lib;
print OUT "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n" if !$lib;
print OUT "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x41d /d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD RSC /l 0x41d /d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD RSC /l 0x41d";
if($wine) {
foreach my $include (@includes) {
print OUT " /I \"$include\"";
print OUT "/d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n";
print OUT "BSC32=bscmake.exe\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r\n";
......@@ -604,30 +682,56 @@ sub _generate_dsp {
print OUT "# PROP Default_Filter \"cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat\"\r\n";
foreach my $source_file (@source_files) {
print OUT "# Begin Source File\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
$source_file =~ s%/%\\%g;
if($source_file !~ /^\./) {
$source_file = ".\\$source_file";
if($source_file =~ /^(.*?)\.spec$/) {
my $basename = $1;
$basename = "$basename.dll" if $basename !~ /\..{1,3}$/;
my $dbg_c_file = "$basename.dbg.c";
print OUT "# Begin Source File\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "SOURCE=$dbg_c_file\r\n";
print OUT "# End Source File\r\n";
print OUT "# Begin Source File\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "SOURCE=$source_file\r\n";
if($source_file =~ /^(.*?)\.spec$/) {
my $basename = $1;
my $spec_file = $source_file;
# my $spec_c_file = "$1.spec.c";
my $def_file = "$1.def";
my $def_file = "$basename.def";
$basename = "$basename.dll" if $basename !~ /\..{1,3}$/;
my $dbg_c_file = "$basename.dbg.c";
my $srcdir = "."; # FIXME: Is this really always correct?
my $c_srcs = join(" ", grep(/\.c$/, @source_files));
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "# Begin Custom Build\r\n";
print OUT "InputPath=$spec_file\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
# print OUT "\"$def_file $spec_c_file\" : \$(SOURCE) \"\$(INTDIR)\" \"\$(OUTDIR)\"\r\n";
print OUT "BuildCmds= \\\r\n";
print OUT "\t..\\..\\tools\\winebuild\\$output_dir\\winebuild.exe -def $spec_file > $def_file \\\r\n";
print OUT "\t..\\..\\tools\\winebuild\\$output_dir\\winebuild.exe -o $dbg_c_file -debug -C$srcdir $c_srcs \\\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "\"$def_file\" : \$(SOURCE) \"\$(INTDIR)\" \"\$(OUTDIR)\"\r\n";
print OUT "\t..\\..\\tools\\winebuild\\$output_dir\\winebuild.exe -def $spec_file > $def_file\r\n";
# print OUT "\t..\\..\\tools\\winebuild\\$output_dir\\winebuild.exe -spec $spec_file > $spec_c_file\r\n";
print OUT " \$(BuildCmds)\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "\"$dbg_c_file\" : \$(SOURCE) \"\$(INTDIR)\" \"\$(OUTDIR)\"\r\n";
print OUT " \$(BuildCmds)\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "# End Custom Build\r\n";
......@@ -690,18 +794,36 @@ sub _generate_dsw {
@dependencies = ();
} elsif($project =~ /^winebuild$/) {
@dependencies = ("wine", "wine_unicode");
} elsif($project =~ /^ntdll_.+?$/) {
} elsif($project =~ /^(?:gdi32|ntdll|user32)_.+?$/) {
@dependencies = ();
} else {
@dependencies = ("wine", "wine_unicode", "winebuild");
if($project =~ /^ntdll$/) {
if($project =~ /^gdi32$/) {
foreach my $dir (@gdi32_dirs) {
my $dir2 = $dir;
$dir2 =~ s%^.*?/([^/]+)$%$1%;
my $module = "gdi32_$dir2";
$module =~ s%/%_%g;
push @dependencies, $module;
} elsif($project =~ /^ntdll$/) {
foreach my $dir (@ntdll_dirs) {
my $module = "ntdll_$dir";
$module =~ s%/%_%g;
push @dependencies, $module;
} elsif($project =~ /^user32$/) {
foreach my $dir (@user32_dirs) {
my $dir2 = $dir;
$dir2 =~ s%^.*?/([^/]+)$%$1%;
my $module = "user32_$dir2";
$module =~ s%/%_%g;
push @dependencies, $module;
@dependencies = sort(@dependencies);
......@@ -789,5 +911,20 @@ sub _generate_config_h {
print OUT "/* Define to a macro to generate an assembly name from a C symbol */\n";
print OUT "#define __ASM_NAME(name) name\n";
print OUT "/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */\n";
print OUT "#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT \"\"\n";
print OUT "/* Define to the full name of this package. */\n";
print OUT "#define PACKAGE_NAME \"Wine\"\n";
print OUT "/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */\n";
print OUT "#define PACKAGE_STRING \"Wine YYYYMMDD\"\n";
print OUT "/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */\n";
print OUT "#define PACKAGE_TARNAME \"wine\"\n";
print OUT "/* Define to the version of this package. */\n";
print OUT "#define PACKAGE_VERSION \"YYYYMMDD\"\n";
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