Commit 21149e63 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

kernel32: Properly detect ELF binaries that are position independent executables.

Based on a patch by Sebastian Lackner. Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlexandre Julliard <>
parent 6bca4de9
......@@ -310,13 +310,29 @@ void MODULE_get_binary_info( HANDLE hfile, struct binary_info *info )
unsigned char magic[4];
unsigned char class;
unsigned char data;
unsigned char version;
unsigned char ignored[9];
unsigned char ignored1[10];
unsigned short type;
unsigned short machine;
unsigned char ignored2[8];
unsigned int phoff;
unsigned char ignored3[12];
unsigned short phnum;
} elf;
unsigned char magic[4];
unsigned char class;
unsigned char data;
unsigned char ignored1[10];
unsigned short type;
unsigned short machine;
unsigned char ignored2[12];
unsigned __int64 phoff;
unsigned char ignored3[16];
unsigned short phnum;
} elf64;
unsigned int magic;
unsigned int cputype;
unsigned int cpusubtype;
......@@ -335,20 +351,54 @@ void MODULE_get_binary_info( HANDLE hfile, struct binary_info *info )
if (!memcmp( header.elf.magic, "\177ELF", 4 ))
if (header.elf.class == 2) info->flags |= BINARY_FLAG_64BIT;
if ( == 1)
BOOL byteswap = ( == 1);
if ( == 2)
BOOL byteswap = ( == 2);
if (header.elf.class == 2) info->flags |= BINARY_FLAG_64BIT;
if (byteswap)
header.elf.type = RtlUshortByteSwap( header.elf.type );
header.elf.machine = RtlUshortByteSwap( header.elf.machine );
case 2: info->type = BINARY_UNIX_EXE; break;
case 3: info->type = BINARY_UNIX_LIB; break;
case 2:
info->type = BINARY_UNIX_EXE;
case 3:
unsigned short phnum;
unsigned int type;
if (header.elf.class == 2)
phoff.QuadPart = byteswap ? RtlUlonglongByteSwap( header.elf64.phoff ) : header.elf64.phoff;
phnum = byteswap ? RtlUshortByteSwap( header.elf64.phnum ) : header.elf64.phnum;
phoff.QuadPart = byteswap ? RtlUlongByteSwap( header.elf.phoff ) : header.elf.phoff;
phnum = byteswap ? RtlUshortByteSwap( header.elf.phnum ) : header.elf.phnum;
while (phnum--)
if (SetFilePointerEx( hfile, phoff, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) == -1) return;
if (!ReadFile( hfile, &type, sizeof(type), &len, NULL ) || len < sizeof(type)) return;
if (byteswap) type = RtlUlongByteSwap( type );
if (type == 3)
info->type = BINARY_UNIX_EXE;
phoff.QuadPart += (header.elf.class == 2) ? 56 : 32;
if (!info->type) info->type = BINARY_UNIX_LIB;
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