Commit 2608a5ca authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dinput: Handle device types and flags directly in EnumDevices.

parent fb4c45c5
......@@ -637,11 +637,21 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectInput8WImpl_CreateDevice(LPDIRECTINPUT8W iface, REF
return IDirectInput7_CreateDeviceEx( &This->IDirectInput7W_iface, rguid, &IID_IDirectInputDevice8W, (LPVOID *)pdev, punk );
static BOOL try_enum_device( DWORD type, LPDIENUMDEVICESCALLBACKW callback,
DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, void *context, DWORD flags )
if (type && (instance->dwDevType & 0xff) != type) return DIENUM_CONTINUE;
if ((flags & DIEDFL_FORCEFEEDBACK) && IsEqualGUID( &instance->guidFFDriver, &GUID_NULL ))
return enum_callback_wrapper( callback, instance, context );
static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectInput8WImpl_EnumDevices( IDirectInput8W *iface, DWORD type, LPDIENUMDEVICESCALLBACKW callback,
void *context, DWORD flags )
IDirectInputImpl *impl = impl_from_IDirectInput8W( iface );
DWORD device_class = 0, device_type = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
......@@ -657,19 +667,32 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectInput8WImpl_EnumDevices( IDirectInput8W *iface, DWO
if (!impl->initialized) return DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED;
hr = mouse_enum_device( type, flags, &instance, impl->dwVersion, 0 );
if (hr == DI_OK && enum_callback_wrapper( callback, &instance, context ) == DIENUM_STOP)
return DI_OK;
hr = keyboard_enum_device( type, flags, &instance, impl->dwVersion, 0 );
if (hr == DI_OK && enum_callback_wrapper( callback, &instance, context ) == DIENUM_STOP)
return DI_OK;
if (type <= DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL) device_class = type;
else device_type = type;
if (device_class == DI8DEVCLASS_ALL || device_class == DI8DEVCLASS_POINTER)
hr = hid_joystick_enum_device( type, flags, &instance, impl->dwVersion, i++ );
if (hr == DI_OK && enum_callback_wrapper( callback, &instance, context ) == DIENUM_STOP)
hr = mouse_enum_device( type, flags, &instance, impl->dwVersion );
if (hr == DI_OK && try_enum_device( device_type, callback, &instance, context, flags ) == DIENUM_STOP)
return DI_OK;
} while (SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (device_class == DI8DEVCLASS_ALL || device_class == DI8DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD)
hr = keyboard_enum_device( type, flags, &instance, impl->dwVersion );
if (hr == DI_OK && try_enum_device( device_type, callback, &instance, context, flags ) == DIENUM_STOP)
return DI_OK;
if (device_class == DI8DEVCLASS_ALL || device_class == DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL)
hr = hid_joystick_enum_device( type, flags, &instance, impl->dwVersion, i++ );
if (hr == DI_OK && try_enum_device( device_type, callback, &instance, context, flags ) == DIENUM_STOP)
return DI_OK;
} while (SUCCEEDED(hr));
return DI_OK;
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ struct IDirectInputImpl
extern const IDirectInput7AVtbl dinput7_a_vtbl DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern const IDirectInput8AVtbl dinput8_a_vtbl DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern HRESULT mouse_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version, int index );
extern HRESULT mouse_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version );
extern HRESULT mouse_create_device( IDirectInputImpl *dinput, const GUID *guid, IDirectInputDevice8W **out );
extern HRESULT keyboard_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version, int index );
extern HRESULT keyboard_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version );
extern HRESULT keyboard_create_device( IDirectInputImpl *dinput, const GUID *guid, IDirectInputDevice8W **out );
extern HRESULT hid_joystick_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version, int index );
extern HRESULT hid_joystick_create_device( IDirectInputImpl *dinput, const GUID *guid, IDirectInputDevice8W **out );
......@@ -1510,13 +1510,6 @@ HRESULT hid_joystick_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *in
HidD_FreePreparsedData( preparsed );
CloseHandle( device );
if (instance->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCEW))
return S_FALSE;
if (version < 0x0800 && type != 0 && type != DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK)
return S_FALSE;
if (version >= 0x0800 && type != DI8DEVCLASS_ALL && type != DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL)
return S_FALSE;
TRACE( "found device %s, usage %04x:%04x, product %s, instance %s, name %s\n", debugstr_w(device_path),
instance->wUsagePage, instance->wUsage, debugstr_guid( &instance->guidProduct ),
debugstr_guid( &instance->guidInstance ), debugstr_w(instance->tszInstanceName) );
......@@ -144,22 +144,12 @@ static DWORD get_keyboard_subtype(void)
return dev_subtype;
HRESULT keyboard_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version, int index )
HRESULT keyboard_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version )
BYTE subtype = get_keyboard_subtype();
DWORD size;
TRACE( "type %#x, flags %#x, instance %p, version %#04x, index %d\n", type, flags, instance, version, index );
if (index != 0) return DIERR_GENERIC;
if (version < 0x0800 && type != 0 && type != DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD) return DI_NOEFFECT;
if (version >= 0x0800 && type != DI8DEVCLASS_ALL && type != DI8DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD && type != DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD)
if (instance->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCEW) &&
instance->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCE_DX3W))
TRACE( "type %#x, flags %#x, instance %p, version %#04x\n", type, flags, instance, version );
size = instance->dwSize;
memset( instance, 0, size );
......@@ -188,7 +178,7 @@ HRESULT keyboard_create_device( IDirectInputImpl *dinput, const GUID *guid, IDir
return hr;
impl->base.crit.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": struct keyboard*->base.crit");
keyboard_enum_device( 0, 0, &impl->base.instance, dinput->dwVersion, 0 );
keyboard_enum_device( 0, 0, &impl->base.instance, dinput->dwVersion );
impl->base.caps.dwDevType = impl->base.instance.dwDevType;
impl->base.caps.dwFirmwareRevision = 100;
impl->base.caps.dwHardwareRevision = 100;
......@@ -72,21 +72,11 @@ static inline struct mouse *impl_from_IDirectInputDevice8W( IDirectInputDevice8W
return CONTAINING_RECORD( CONTAINING_RECORD( iface, struct dinput_device, IDirectInputDevice8W_iface ), struct mouse, base );
HRESULT mouse_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version, int index )
HRESULT mouse_enum_device( DWORD type, DWORD flags, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *instance, DWORD version )
DWORD size;
TRACE( "type %#x, flags %#x, instance %p, version %#04x, index %d\n", type, flags, instance, version, index );
if (index != 0) return DIERR_GENERIC;
if (version < 0x0800 && type != 0 && type != DIDEVTYPE_MOUSE) return DI_NOEFFECT;
if (version >= 0x0800 && type != DI8DEVCLASS_ALL && type != DI8DEVCLASS_POINTER && type != DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE)
if (instance->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCEW) &&
instance->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCE_DX3W))
TRACE( "type %#x, flags %#x, instance %p, version %#04x\n", type, flags, instance, version );
size = instance->dwSize;
memset( instance, 0, size );
......@@ -117,7 +107,7 @@ HRESULT mouse_create_device( IDirectInputImpl *dinput, const GUID *guid, IDirect
return hr;
impl->base.crit.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": struct mouse*->base.crit");
mouse_enum_device( 0, 0, &impl->base.instance, dinput->dwVersion, 0 );
mouse_enum_device( 0, 0, &impl->base.instance, dinput->dwVersion );
impl->base.caps.dwDevType = impl->base.instance.dwDevType;
impl->base.caps.dwFirmwareRevision = 100;
impl->base.caps.dwHardwareRevision = 100;
......@@ -3531,14 +3531,13 @@ static HRESULT create_dinput_device( DWORD version, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *devinst,
count = 0;
hr = IDirectInput8_EnumDevices( di8, (devinst->dwDevType & 0xff), enum_device_count, &count, DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES );
ok( hr == DI_OK, "EnumDevices returned: %#x\n", hr );
ok( count == 1, "got count %u, expected 1\n", count );
count = 0;
hr = IDirectInput8_EnumDevices( di8, (devinst->dwDevType & 0xff), enum_device_count, &count, DIEDFL_FORCEFEEDBACK );
ok( hr == DI_OK, "EnumDevices returned: %#x\n", hr );
if (IsEqualGUID( &devinst->guidFFDriver, &GUID_NULL )) ok( count == 0, "got count %u, expected 0\n", count );
else todo_wine ok( count == 1, "got count %u, expected 1\n", count );
else ok( count == 1, "got count %u, expected 1\n", count );
count = 0;
hr = IDirectInput8_EnumDevices( di8, (devinst->dwDevType & 0xff) + 1, enum_device_count, &count, DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES );
......@@ -3636,7 +3635,7 @@ static HRESULT create_dinput_device( DWORD version, DIDEVICEINSTANCEW *devinst,
count = 0;
hr = IDirectInput_EnumDevices( di, (devinst->dwDevType & 0xff), enum_device_count, &count, DIEDFL_FORCEFEEDBACK );
ok( hr == DI_OK, "EnumDevices returned: %#x\n", hr );
if (IsEqualGUID( &devinst->guidFFDriver, &GUID_NULL )) todo_wine ok( count == 0, "got count %u, expected 0\n", count );
if (IsEqualGUID( &devinst->guidFFDriver, &GUID_NULL )) ok( count == 0, "got count %u, expected 0\n", count );
else ok( count == 1, "got count %u, expected 1\n", count );
hr = IDirectInput_EnumDevices( di, 0x14, enum_device_count, &count, DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES );
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