Commit 28d6203c authored by Maarten Lankhorst's avatar Maarten Lankhorst Committed by Alexandre Julliard

quartz: Fix reference leak in avi splitter on end of stream.

parent 0e9704b0
......@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ static HRESULT AVISplitter_next_request(AVISplitterImpl *This, DWORD streamnumbe
if (stream->index_next >= stream->entries)
ERR("END OF STREAM ON %u\n", streamnumber);
hr = AVISplitter_SendEndOfFile(This, streamnumber);
return S_FALSE;
......@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ static HRESULT AVISplitter_next_request(AVISplitterImpl *This, DWORD streamnumbe
/* End of file */
if (stream->pos_next * sizeof(This->oldindex->aIndex[0]) >= This->oldindex->cb)
stream->pos_next = 0;
ERR("END OF STREAM ON %u\n", streamnumber);
......@@ -377,6 +379,8 @@ static HRESULT AVISplitter_Sample(LPVOID iface, IMediaSample * pSample, DWORD_PT
return hr;
static HRESULT AVISplitter_done_process(LPVOID iface);
/* On the first request we have to be sure that (cStreams-1) samples have
* already been processed, because otherwise some pins might not ever finish
* a Pause state change
......@@ -420,26 +424,21 @@ static HRESULT AVISplitter_first_request(LPVOID iface)
assert(hr == S_OK);
/* This should not happen! (Maybe the threads didn't terminate?) */
if (dwUser != x - 1)
ERR("dwUser: %lu, x-1: %u\n", dwUser, x-1);
assert(dwUser == x - 1);
AVISplitter_Sample(iface, sample, dwUser);
hr = AVISplitter_next_request(This, x);
TRACE("-->%08x\n", hr);
/* assert(SUCCEEDED(hr)); * With quick transitions this might not be the case (eg stop->running->stop) */
/* Could be an EOF instead */
have_sample = (hr == S_OK);
if (FAILED(hr))
/* FIXME: Don't do this for each pin that sent an EOF */
for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams && SUCCEEDED(hr); ++x)
struct thread_args *args;
DWORD tid;
......@@ -1092,7 +1091,7 @@ static HRESULT AVISplitter_InputPin_PreConnect(IPin * iface, IPin * pConnectPin,
props->cbAlign = 1;
props->cbPrefix = 0;
/* Comrades, prevent shortage of buffers, or you will feel the consequences! DA! */
props->cBuffers = 3 * pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams;
props->cBuffers = 2 * pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams;
/* Now peek into the idx1 index, if available */
if (hr == S_OK && (total - pos) > sizeof(RIFFCHUNK))
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