Commit 2abeb763 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

opengl32: Remove no longer used support for generating thread-safe thunks.

parent 17dffaac
......@@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ my $ext_file = "opengl_ext.c";
my $wgl_driver_file = "../../include/wine/wgl_driver.h";
my $wgl_file = "../../include/wine/wgl.h";
# Set to 0 for removing the ENTER / LEAVE GL calls
my $gen_thread_safe = 0;
# Prefix used for the local variables
my $ext_prefix = "func_";
# If set to 1, generate TRACEs for each OpenGL function
my $gen_traces = 1;
......@@ -299,9 +295,6 @@ sub GenerateThunk($$$)
return "$ret) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;\n" if $name eq "glGetStringi";
$ret .= ") {\n";
$ret .= " const struct opengl_funcs *funcs = NtCurrentTeb()->glTable;\n";
if ($func_ref->[0] ne "void" && $gen_thread_safe) {
$ret .= " " . ConvertType($func_ref->[0]) . " ret_value;\n";
if ($gen_traces) {
$ret .= " TRACE(\"($trace_arg)\\n\"";
if ($trace_arg ne "") {
......@@ -309,25 +302,11 @@ sub GenerateThunk($$$)
$ret .= ");\n";
if ($gen_thread_safe) {
$ret .= " ENTER_GL();\n";
$ret .= " ";
if ($func_ref->[0] ne "void") {
$ret .= "ret_value = ";
$ret .= "funcs->$prefix.p_$name( $call_arg);\n";
$ret .= " LEAVE_GL();\n";
if ($func_ref->[0] ne "void") {
$ret .= " return ret_value;\n"
else {
$ret .= " ";
if ($func_ref->[0] ne "void") {
$ret .= "return ";
$ret .= "funcs->$prefix.p_$name( $call_arg);\n";
$ret .= " ";
if ($func_ref->[0] ne "void") {
$ret .= "return ";
$ret .= "funcs->$prefix.p_$name( $call_arg);\n";
$ret .= "}\n";
# Return this string....
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