Commit 2d6fa952 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

win32u: Support posting IME updates while processing keys.

parent 5f313c0f
......@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(imm);
struct ime_update
struct list entry;
WORD vkey;
WORD scan;
DWORD cursor_pos;
WCHAR *comp_str;
WCHAR *result_str;
......@@ -58,6 +59,9 @@ struct imm_thread_data
HWND default_hwnd;
BOOL disable_ime;
UINT window_cnt;
WORD ime_process_scan; /* scan code of the key being processed */
WORD ime_process_vkey; /* vkey of the key being processed */
BOOL ime_process_result; /* result string has been received */
static struct list thread_data_list = LIST_INIT( thread_data_list );
......@@ -434,7 +438,9 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtUserBuildHimcList( UINT thread_id, UINT count, HIMC *buffer, U
static void post_ime_update( HWND hwnd, UINT cursor_pos, WCHAR *comp_str, WCHAR *result_str )
static UINT ime_update_count;
UINT id, comp_len, result_len;
struct imm_thread_data *data = get_imm_thread_data();
UINT id = -1, comp_len, result_len;
struct ime_update *update;
TRACE( "hwnd %p, cursor_pos %u, comp_str %s, result_str %s\n", hwnd, cursor_pos,
......@@ -449,19 +455,25 @@ static void post_ime_update( HWND hwnd, UINT cursor_pos, WCHAR *comp_str, WCHAR
update->result_str = result_str ? memcpy( update->buffer + comp_len, result_str, result_len * sizeof(WCHAR) ) : NULL;
pthread_mutex_lock( &imm_mutex );
id = update->id = ++ime_update_count;
update->scan = data->ime_process_scan;
if (!(update->vkey = data->ime_process_vkey))
id = update->scan = ++ime_update_count;
update->vkey = VK_PROCESSKEY;
list_add_tail( &ime_updates, &update->entry );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &imm_mutex );
NtUserPostMessage( hwnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_WINE_SET_COMP_STRING, id );
if (!data->ime_process_vkey) NtUserPostMessage( hwnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_WINE_SET_COMP_STRING, id );
if (result_str) data->ime_process_result = TRUE;
static struct ime_update *find_ime_update( UINT id )
static struct ime_update *find_ime_update( WORD vkey, WORD scan )
struct ime_update *update;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( update, &ime_updates, struct ime_update, entry )
if (update->id == id) return update;
if (update->vkey == vkey && update->scan == scan) return update;
return NULL;
......@@ -476,7 +488,7 @@ UINT ime_to_tascii_ex( UINT vkey, UINT lparam, const BYTE *state, COMPOSITIONSTR
pthread_mutex_lock( &imm_mutex );
if (!(update = find_ime_update( lparam )))
if (!(update = find_ime_update( vkey, lparam )))
pthread_mutex_unlock( &imm_mutex );
......@@ -564,7 +576,19 @@ LRESULT ime_driver_call( HWND hwnd, enum wine_ime_call call, WPARAM wparam, LPAR
switch (call)
return user_driver->pImeProcessKey( params->himc, wparam, lparam, params->state );
struct imm_thread_data *data = get_imm_thread_data();
data->ime_process_scan = HIWORD(lparam) & 0x1ff;
data->ime_process_vkey = LOWORD(wparam);
data->ime_process_result = FALSE;
res = user_driver->pImeProcessKey( params->himc, wparam, lparam, params->state );
data->ime_process_vkey = data->ime_process_scan = 0;
if (!res) res = data->ime_process_result;
TRACE( "processing scan %#x, vkey %#x -> %u\n", LOWORD(wparam), HIWORD(lparam) & 0x1ff, (UINT)res );
return res;
res = user_driver->pImeToAsciiEx( wparam, lparam, params->state, params->compstr, params->himc );
if ((NTSTATUS)res != STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) return res;
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