Commit 391ecdb6 authored by Anatoly Lyutin's avatar Anatoly Lyutin Committed by Alexandre Julliard

user32/tests: Add test for switching not maximized mdi children.

parent 7c4c6f1b
......@@ -303,6 +303,35 @@ static const struct message WmSwitchChild[] = {
{ 0 }
/* Switch visible not maximized mdi children */
static const struct message WmSwitchNotMaximizedChild[] = {
/* Switch not maximized MDI child */
{ WM_MDIACTIVATE, sent },/* in the MDI client */
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|wparam,SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE },/* in the 2nd MDI child */
{ EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER, winevent_hook|wparam|lparam, OBJID_CLIENT, 0 },
{ WM_CHILDACTIVATE, sent },/* in the 2nd MDI child */
/* Deactivate 1st MDI child */
{ WM_NCACTIVATE, sent|wparam|defwinproc, 0 }, /* in the 1st MDI child */
{ WM_MDIACTIVATE, sent|defwinproc }, /* in the 1st MDI child */
/* Activate 2nd MDI child */
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|wparam|defwinproc, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOACTIVATE}, /* in the 2nd MDI child */
{ WM_NCACTIVATE, sent|wparam|defwinproc, 1 }, /* in the 2nd MDI child */
{ WM_SETVISIBLE, hook }, /* in the 1st MDI child */
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent|defwinproc }, /* in the 1st MDI child */
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|defwinproc }, /* in the 1st MDI child */
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent }, /* in the MDI client */
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent, 0 }, /* in the MDI client */
{ WM_SETVISIBLE, hook },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent }, /* in the MDI client */
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent }, /* in the MDI client */
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|defwinproc }, /* in the 1st MDI child */
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|defwinproc }, /* in the 2nd MDI child */
{ WM_MDIACTIVATE, sent|defwinproc }, /* in the 2nd MDI child */
{ 0 }
* for a visible overlapped window with WS_CLIPCHILDREN style set.
......@@ -3371,6 +3400,20 @@ static void test_mdi_messages(void)
SendMessageA(mdi_client, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)mdi_child, 0);
ok_sequence(WmSwitchChild, "Child did not switch correctly", TRUE);
trace("end of test for switch maximized MDI children\n");
/* Prepare for switching test of not maximized MDI children */
ShowWindow( mdi_child, SW_NORMAL );
ok(!IsZoomed(mdi_child), "wrong zoomed state for %p(Switch test)\n", mdi_child);
ok(!IsZoomed(mdi_child2), "wrong zoomed state for %p(Switch test)\n", mdi_child2);
active_child = (HWND)SendMessageA(mdi_client, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0);
ok(active_child == mdi_child, "wrong active MDI child %p(Switch test)\n", active_child);
SendMessageA(mdi_client, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)mdi_child2, 0);
ok_sequence(WmSwitchNotMaximizedChild, "Not maximized child did not switch correctly", TRUE);
trace("end of test for switch not maximized MDI children\n");
SendMessageA(mdi_client, WM_MDIDESTROY, (WPARAM)mdi_child, 0);
......@@ -3380,7 +3423,7 @@ static void test_mdi_messages(void)
/* end of test for switch maximized MDI children */
/* end of tests for switch maximized/not maximized MDI children */
mdi_cs.szClass = "MDI_child_Class";
mdi_cs.szTitle = "MDI child";
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