Commit 3c7df5c1 authored by Guy L. Albertelli's avatar Guy L. Albertelli Committed by Alexandre Julliard

- correct processing of RBBS_BREAK style.

- handle cases where cyChild was set to -1 by appl. - undocumented. - remove special code for Comboboxex problem (now solved). - fix some painting problems
parent ea5924c0
......@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ typedef struct
#define SEP_WIDTH 3
/* This is the increment that is used over the band height */
/* Determined by experiment. */
#define REBARSPACE 4
#define REBAR_GetInfoPtr(wndPtr) ((REBAR_INFO *)GetWindowLongA (hwnd, 0))
static VOID
......@@ -678,9 +682,8 @@ REBAR_Layout (HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL notify, BOOL resetclient)
dobreak = (x + cx + cxsep > adjcx);
/* This is the check for whether we need to start a new row */
if (((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) ? (y != 0) : (x != 0)) &&
((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_BREAK) ||
dobreak)) {
if ( (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_BREAK) ||
( ((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) ? (y != 0) : (x != 0)) && dobreak)) {
TRACE("Spliting to new row %d on band %u\n", row+1, i);
if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) {
......@@ -714,7 +717,7 @@ REBAR_Layout (HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL notify, BOOL resetclient)
lpBand->iRow = row;
if (mcy < lpBand->lcy) mcy = lpBand->lcy;
if (mcy < lpBand->lcy + REBARSPACE) mcy = lpBand->lcy + REBARSPACE;
/* if boundary rect specified then limit mcy */
if (lpRect) {
......@@ -740,7 +743,7 @@ REBAR_Layout (HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL notify, BOOL resetclient)
rightx = clientcx;
bottomy = (lpRect) ? min(clientcy, y+cxsep+cx) : y+cxsep+cx;
lpBand->rcBand.left = x;
lpBand->rcBand.right = y + min(mcy, lpBand->lcy);
lpBand->rcBand.right = y + min(mcy, lpBand->lcy+REBARSPACE);
lpBand-> = min(bottomy, y + cxsep);
lpBand->rcBand.bottom = bottomy;
lpBand->uMinHeight = lpBand->lcy;
......@@ -754,7 +757,7 @@ REBAR_Layout (HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL notify, BOOL resetclient)
lpBand->rcBand.left = min(rightx, x + cxsep);
lpBand->rcBand.right = rightx;
lpBand-> = y;
lpBand->rcBand.bottom = y + min(mcy, lpBand->lcy);
lpBand->rcBand.bottom = y + min(mcy, lpBand->lcy+REBARSPACE);
lpBand->uMinHeight = lpBand->lcy;
x = rightx;
......@@ -977,7 +980,8 @@ REBAR_ValidateBand (HWND hwnd, REBAR_INFO *infoPtr, REBAR_BAND *lpBand)
lpBand->lcy = lpBand->cyMinChild;
lpBand->hcy = lpBand->lcy;
if (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT) {
lpBand->lcy = max (lpBand->cyChild, lpBand->lcy);
if (lpBand->cyChild != 0xffffffff)
lpBand->lcy = max (lpBand->cyChild, lpBand->lcy);
lpBand->hcy = lpBand->cyMaxChild;
......@@ -1029,14 +1033,6 @@ REBAR_CommonSetupBand (HWND hwnd, LPREBARBANDINFOA lprbbi, REBAR_BAND *lpBand)
lpBand->cyMaxChild = lprbbi->cyMaxChild;
lpBand->cyChild = lprbbi->cyChild;
lpBand->cyIntegral = lprbbi->cyIntegral;
/* FUDGE FUDGE GetWindowRect wrong for comboboxex FUDGE */
/* fix for rebar.exe */
if (lpBand->cyMinChild == 150) lpBand->cyMinChild = 25;
/* FUDGE FUDGE GetWindowRect wrong for comboboxex FUDGE */
/* fix for iexplore.exe */
if (lpBand->cyMinChild == 250) lpBand->cyMinChild = 25;
if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_SIZE)
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