18271 MSI creates incompatible msi file in a specific case of create table
13651 Opening privacy settings in Internet Explorer 6 (inetcpl.cpl) cause crash on unimplemented function wininet.dll.PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW
22995 Adobe FrameMaker 8 installer displays complaint about installation path drive type
20613 PVSYST 5 crashed when launched
23487 Buccaneer: freezes when changing screen resolution
25687 "Create directory" button does nothing in ARM Versatile Express installer.
25617 Clones <v1.30 crashes after some time (occasionally with an out of memory error)
28267 winhttp tests fail if ISP has a catch-all dns failure page
27288 Facade installation ends prematurely when installing to a directory name with a space
32441 winhttp winhttp test changes proxy setting in Windows 8
28000 World War One Gold hangs during the initial loading stage
35504 LibreOffice 4.2 installer copies MSVC++ runtime files into erroneous 'C:\Win\System\' path (directory targets/properties not re-resolved after updates from custom actions)
29603 Ski Challenge 2010: extremely long loading times (unless Win98 mode is set)
38402 glDebugMessageCallback has mismatched calling convention
30785 MS Office 2007 reports msxml5 as not installed (WoW64)
38641 Trying to start a Steam game whilst Steam isn't running doesn't open the game
34522 Drakan: Order of the Flame demo crashes before entering the main menu (needs native directmusic dlls)
39051 TabbedTextOut() incorrect output on tab character
34739 manual install of wine gecko gets in the wrong directory in Wow64 wine
39508 Microsoft Office 365/OneDrive for Business installer fails in Win8+ mode with 'advapi:ParseStringSidToSid String constant not supported: "OW"' (failure to decode 'Owner Rights' SID 'S-1-3-4')
38742 Watch_Dogs fail to run after successful Uplay installation
40208 Cegid Business Line installer fails in custom script action with "Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ObjRegistry.CreateKey'" (needs 'StdRegProv.CreateKey')
39020 aSc TimeTables 2016 (trial): window scrollbar is slow to respond
40303 Control Data passed in DIALOGEX Resource passes pointer with offset sizeof(WORD)
41039 Multiple kernel drivers crash on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression (VirtualBox, QQProtect for Tencent TIM (com.qq.office) 2.1.x)
40703 MSI InstallService does not respect msidbServiceInstallErrorControlVital (0x8000) flag
41325 Actions of MSI installer properties missing or wrong
45036 Cisco Jabber 11.x crashes on unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.GetIpNetTable2
42677 Black Desert Online launcher fails to download/update files, reports "An error occurred while downloading file. (errorcode : 12006 or 13403)"
45320 cmd creates an environment variable with an empty name
43187 EA Origin 'OriginWebHelperService' (QGuiApplication) non-interactive service process crashes due to null monitor info when determining the primary (default) screen
45347 Google Chrome installer crashes on unimplemented function propsys.dll.InitPropVariantFromCLSID
43615 32-bit Process Hacker 2.39.124 crashes in 64-bit WINEPREFIX (advapi32.EnumServicesStatusEx returns garbage on Wow64)
45523 FIFA 18 Demo needs KERNEL32.dll.SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx
43621 Life On Mars remake demo has missing sprites
45538 Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function msvcr120.dll.?wait@Concurrency@@YAXI@Z (Amazon Workspaces client, EnginePrime, Bethesda Launcher Updater)
43878 Multiple apps/games crash on unimplemented function kernel32.dll.GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx (Tokio Rust samples, Star Control: Origins, 1Password-7.2.*)
45569 League of Legends 8.12+ needs NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessCookie) stub
43898 Steam: Crashes after regaining focus when in Steam Guard email code window
44405 Rise Of Nations Extended edition (Steam) crashes when trying to list mods due to missing NULL output buffer handling in CryptBinaryToString()
45691 Installation of anno 1404 (GOG version Gold edition) fails on architecture win64 with wine 3.14
44474 Script fails to Run function GetStringValue
45724 Multiple EndScene calls result in multiple glFlush (FF XIV)
44655 Carmageddon Max Damage: Crash on launch
45813 Orbit Profiler crashes due to unimplemeneted function advapi32.TraceSetInformation()
44787 1Password-6.8.496 crashes: System.EntryPointNotFoundException (.Net app): Unable to find an entry point named 'SetWindowCompositionAttribute' in DLL 'user32.dll'.
45709 djkaty.com Simple2D demos v1.13 need support for IWICImagingFactory2, CLSID '{317d06e8-5f24-433d-bdf7-79ce68d8abc2}'
45861 PhaseOne CaptureOne 11.2 (.NET 4.7 app) crashes on unimplemented function mscms.dll.WcsGetUsePerUserProfiles
45723 Occlusion queries always flush (Overwatch)
45782 mono needs unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll._Cbuild
45816 Orbit Profile crashes in Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPADK@Z called
45830 Fifa 19 Demo refuses to launch past the launcher
45880 Multiple PC/SC applications crash on unimplemented function winscard.dll.SCardCancel (Aruba key, SmartCard test apps)
45891 Steam crashes at launch with "GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx() failed: 120" error
45910 nProtect GameGuard used by multiple MMORPG games crashes on unimplemented function wevtapi.dll.EvtExportLog (4Story, Phantasy Star Online 2)
45915 x64dbg/x32dbg crash during shutdown on unimplemented function msvcr120.dll.??0_Scoped_lock@_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@AAV123@@Z
45923 Regression in register_avicap_devices
45928 Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 10 (.NET 4.6) installer fails, claims KB3118401 is needed ('ucrtbase.dll' missing version resource, >= 10.0.0)