Commit 3fcec7cf authored by Roderick Colenbrander's avatar Roderick Colenbrander Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winevulkan: Support various device extensions.

parent 79c2ee52
......@@ -79,11 +79,31 @@ EXT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000
# In general instance extensions can't be automatically generated
# and need custom wrappers due to e.g. win32 / X11 specific code.
# List of supported instance extensions.
# Handling of VK_EXT_debug_report requires some consideration. The win32
# loader already provides it for us and it is somewhat usable. . If we add
# plumbing down to the native layer, we will get each message twice as we
# use 2 loaders (win32+native), but we may get output from the driver.
# In any case callback conversion is required.
"VK_EXT_display_control", # Requires VK_EXT_display_surface_counter
"VK_EXT_hdr_metadata", # Needs WSI work.
"VK_KHR_display", # Needs WSI work.
# Relates to external_semaphore and needs type conversions in bitflags.
"VK_KHR_shared_presentable_image", # Needs WSI work.
# Functions part of our winevulkan graphics driver interface.
......@@ -2185,10 +2205,30 @@ class VkRegistry(object):
LOGGER.debug("Skipping disabled extension: {0}".format(ext_name))
# We only support a handful of extensions for now through a whitelist.
if ext_name not in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS:
# Disable highly experimental extensions as the APIs are unstable and can
# change between minor Vulkan revisions until API is final and becomes KHR
# or NV.
if "KHX" in ext_name or "NVX" in ext_name:
LOGGER.debug("Skipping experimental extension: {0}".format(ext_name))
# Instance extensions often require a custom implementation, so filter.
ext_type = ext.attrib["type"]
if ext_type == "instance" and not ext_name in SUPPORTED_INSTANCE_EXTENSIONS:
LOGGER.debug("Skipping instance extension: {0}".format(ext_name))
# We disable some extensions as either we haven't implemented
# support yet or because they are for platforms other than win32.
LOGGER.debug("Skipping blacklisted extension: {0}".format(ext_name))
elif "requires" in ext.attrib:
# Check if this extension builds on top of another blacklisted
# extension.
requires = ext.attrib["requires"].split(",")
if len(set(requires).intersection(BLACKLISTED_EXTENSIONS)) > 0:
LOGGER.debug("Loading extension: {0}".format(ext_name))
......@@ -2223,7 +2263,6 @@ class VkRegistry(object):
# Store a list with extensions.
ext_type = ext.attrib["type"]
ext_info = {"name" : ext_name, "type" : ext_type}
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