Commit 42b01b01 authored by Roderick Colenbrander's avatar Roderick Colenbrander Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winevulkan: Implement vkCmdExecuteCommands.

parent 9b22b6aa
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ FUNCTION_OVERRIDES = {
# Device functions
"vkAllocateCommandBuffers" : {"dispatch" : True, "driver" : False, "thunk" : False},
"vkCmdExecuteCommands" : {"dispatch" : True, "driver" : False, "thunk" : False},
"vkDestroyDevice" : {"dispatch" : True, "driver" : False, "thunk" : False},
"vkFreeCommandBuffers" : {"dispatch" : True, "driver" : False, "thunk" : False},
"vkGetDeviceProcAddr" : {"dispatch" : True, "driver" : True, "thunk" : False},
......@@ -435,6 +435,36 @@ VkResult WINAPI wine_vkAllocateCommandBuffers(VkDevice device,
return VK_SUCCESS;
void WINAPI wine_vkCmdExecuteCommands(VkCommandBuffer buffer, uint32_t count,
const VkCommandBuffer *buffers)
VkCommandBuffer *tmp_buffers;
unsigned int i;
TRACE("%p %u %p\n", buffer, count, buffers);
if (!buffers || !count)
/* Unfortunately we need a temporary buffer as our command buffers are wrapped.
* This call is called often and if a performance concern, we may want to use
* alloca as we shouldn't need much memory and it needs to be cleaned up after
* the call anyway.
if (!(tmp_buffers = heap_alloc(count * sizeof(*tmp_buffers))))
ERR("Failed to allocate memory for temporary command buffers\n");
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
tmp_buffers[i] = buffers[i]->command_buffer;
buffer->device->funcs.p_vkCmdExecuteCommands(buffer->command_buffer, count, tmp_buffers);
VkResult WINAPI wine_vkCreateDevice(VkPhysicalDevice phys_dev,
const VkDeviceCreateInfo *create_info,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *allocator, VkDevice *device)
......@@ -715,11 +715,6 @@ static void WINAPI wine_vkCmdEndRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer)
FIXME("stub: %p\n", commandBuffer);
static void WINAPI wine_vkCmdExecuteCommands(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t commandBufferCount, const VkCommandBuffer *pCommandBuffers)
FIXME("stub: %p, %u, %p\n", commandBuffer, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers);
static void WINAPI wine_vkCmdFillBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, VkDeviceSize size, uint32_t data)
FIXME("stub: %p, 0x%s, 0x%s, 0x%s, %u\n", commandBuffer, wine_dbgstr_longlong(dstBuffer), wine_dbgstr_longlong(dstOffset), wine_dbgstr_longlong(size), data);
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ BOOL wine_vk_device_extension_supported(const char *name) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* Functions for which we have custom implementations outside of the thunks. */
VkResult WINAPI wine_vkAcquireNextImageKHR(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, uint64_t timeout, VkSemaphore semaphore, VkFence fence, uint32_t *pImageIndex) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
VkResult WINAPI wine_vkAllocateCommandBuffers(VkDevice device, const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo *pAllocateInfo, VkCommandBuffer *pCommandBuffers) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void WINAPI wine_vkCmdExecuteCommands(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t commandBufferCount, const VkCommandBuffer *pCommandBuffers) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
VkResult WINAPI wine_vkCreateDevice(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkDeviceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkDevice *pDevice) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
VkResult WINAPI wine_vkCreateSwapchainKHR(VkDevice device, const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkSwapchainKHR *pSwapchain) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
VkResult WINAPI wine_vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR(VkInstance instance, const VkWin32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkSurfaceKHR *pSurface) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
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