Commit 4679ceb7 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

systeminfo: Pass proper Unicode strings to fwprintf.

parent fbba581c
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ static void output_processors( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags,
while (IEnumWbemClassObject_Skip( iter, WBEM_INFINITE, 1 ) == S_OK) num_cpus++;
fwprintf( stdout, L"Processor(s):%*s %u Processor(s) Installed.\n", width - wcslen(L"Processor(s)"), " ", num_cpus );
fwprintf( stdout, L"Processor(s):%*s %u Processor(s) Installed.\n", width - wcslen(L"Processor(s)"), L" ", num_cpus );
IEnumWbemClassObject_Reset( iter );
for (i = 0; i < num_cpus; i++)
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static void output_processors( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags,
IWbemClassObject_Release( obj );
goto done;
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s[%02u]: %s", width + 2, " ", i + 1, V_BSTR(&value) );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s[%02u]: %s", width + 2, L" ", i + 1, V_BSTR(&value) );
VariantClear( &value );
hr = IWbemClassObject_Get( obj, L"Manufacturer", 0, &value, NULL, NULL );
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static void output_hotfixes( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, U
while (IEnumWbemClassObject_Skip( iter, WBEM_INFINITE, 1 ) == S_OK) num_hotfixes++;
fwprintf( stdout, L"Hotfix(es):%*s %u Hotfix(es) Installed.\n", width - wcslen(L"Hotfix(es)"), " ", num_hotfixes );
fwprintf( stdout, L"Hotfix(es):%*s %u Hotfix(es) Installed.\n", width - wcslen(L"Hotfix(es)"), L" ", num_hotfixes );
IEnumWbemClassObject_Reset( iter );
for (i = 0; i < num_hotfixes; i++)
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static void output_hotfixes( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, U
IWbemClassObject_Release( obj );
goto done;
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s[%02u]: %s\n", width + 2, " ", i + 1, V_BSTR(&value) );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s[%02u]: %s\n", width + 2, L" ", i + 1, V_BSTR(&value) );
VariantClear( &value );
IWbemClassObject_Release( obj );
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ static void output_nics( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, UINT3
while (IEnumWbemClassObject_Skip( iter, WBEM_INFINITE, 1 ) == S_OK) num_nics++;
fwprintf( stdout, L"Network Card(s):%*s %u NICs(s) Installed.\n", width - wcslen(L"Network Card(s)"), " ", num_nics );
fwprintf( stdout, L"Network Card(s):%*s %u NICs(s) Installed.\n", width - wcslen(L"Network Card(s)"), L" ", num_nics );
IEnumWbemClassObject_Reset( iter );
for (i = 0; i < num_nics; i++)
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ static void output_nics( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, UINT3
IWbemClassObject_Release( obj );
goto done;
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s[%02u]: %s\n", width + 2, " ", i + 1, V_BSTR(&value) );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s[%02u]: %s\n", width + 2, L" ", i + 1, V_BSTR(&value) );
VariantClear( &value );
/* FIXME: Connection Name, DHCP Server */
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static void output_nics( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, UINT3
IWbemClassObject_Release( obj );
goto done;
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s DHCP Enabled: %s\n", width + 2, " ", V_BOOL(&value) ? L"Yes" : L"No" );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s DHCP Enabled: %s\n", width + 2, L" ", V_BOOL(&value) ? L"Yes" : L"No" );
hr = IWbemClassObject_Get( obj, L"IPAddress", 0, &value, NULL, NULL );
if (FAILED( hr ))
......@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ static void output_nics( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, UINT3
SafeArrayGetUBound( sa, 1, &bound );
if (bound >= 0)
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s IP Addresse(es)\n", width + 2, " " );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s IP Addresse(es)\n", width + 2, L" " );
for (j = 0; j <= bound; j++)
SafeArrayGetElement( sa, &j, &str );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s [%02u]: %s\n", width + 2, " ", j + 1, str );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%*s [%02u]: %s\n", width + 2, L" ", j + 1, str );
SysFreeString( str );
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ static void output_timezone( IWbemServices *services, enum format_flags flags, U
RegQueryValueExW( key_name, L"Display", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)timezone, &count );
fwprintf( stdout, L"Time Zone:%*s %s\n", width - wcslen(L"Time Zone"), " ", timezone );
fwprintf( stdout, L"Time Zone:%*s %s\n", width - wcslen(L"Time Zone"), L" ", timezone );
RegCloseKey( key_name );
RegCloseKey( key_timezones );
RegCloseKey( key_current );
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ static void output_item( IWbemServices *services, const struct sysinfo *info, UI
if (!info->class)
if (info->property)
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), " ", info->property );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), L" ", info->property );
info->callback( services, info->flags, width );
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ static void output_item( IWbemServices *services, const struct sysinfo *info, UI
&st.wYear, &st.wMonth, &st.wDay, &st.wHour, &st.wMinute, &st.wSecond );
GetDateFormatW( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &st, NULL, date, ARRAY_SIZE(date) );
GetTimeFormatW( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &st, NULL, time, ARRAY_SIZE(time) );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s, %s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), " ", date, time );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s, %s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), L" ", date, time );
......@@ -326,18 +326,18 @@ static void output_item( IWbemServices *services, const struct sysinfo *info, UI
swscanf( V_BSTR(&value), L"%x", &lcid );
LCIDToLocaleName( lcid, name, ARRAY_SIZE(name), 0 );
GetLocaleInfoW( lcid, LOCALE_SENGLISHDISPLAYNAME, displayname, ARRAY_SIZE(displayname) );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s;%s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), " ", name, displayname );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s;%s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), L" ", name, displayname );
UINT64 size = 0;
swscanf( V_BSTR(&value), L"%I64u", &size );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %I64u MB\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), " ", size / 1024 );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %I64u MB\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), L" ", size / 1024 );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), " ", V_BSTR(&value) );
fwprintf( stdout, L"%s:%*s %s\n", info->item, width - wcslen(info->item), L" ", V_BSTR(&value) );
VariantClear( &value );
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