Commit 48216541 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

atl: Generate the class registration and use a copy of the standard winecrt0 mechanism.

parent 431e369f
......@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ C_SRCS = \
atl_main.c \
RC_SRCS = rsrc.rc
IDL_R_SRCS = atl_classes.idl
ATL.Registrar = s 'Registrar Class'
CLSID = s '%CLSID_Registrar%'
NoRemove CLSID {
ForceRemove '%CLSID_Registrar%' = s 'Registrar Class'
ProgID = s 'ATL.Registrar'
InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%'
val ThreadingModel = s 'Both'
* Copyright 2005 Jacek Caban
* COM Classes for ATL
* Copyright 2010 Alexandre Julliard
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
......@@ -16,5 +18,10 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* @makedep: atl.rgs */
101 REGISTRY atl.rgs
helpstring("Registrar Class"),
coclass Registrar { interface IRegistrar; }
......@@ -789,6 +789,58 @@ HRESULT WINAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID clsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObject)
extern HINSTANCE hInst;
/* this is a copy of the winecrt0 registration code that creates the registrar directly, */
/* since we can't do it through ole32 until it has been registered */
struct reg_info
IRegistrar *registrar;
BOOL do_register;
HRESULT result;
static IRegistrar *create_registrar( HMODULE inst, struct reg_info *info )
info->result = Registrar_create( NULL, &IID_IRegistrar, (void**)&info->registrar );
if (SUCCEEDED( info->result ))
static const WCHAR moduleW[] = {'M','O','D','U','L','E',0};
GetModuleFileNameW( hInst, str, MAX_PATH );
IRegistrar_AddReplacement( info->registrar, moduleW, str );
return info->registrar;
static BOOL CALLBACK register_resource( HMODULE module, LPCWSTR type, LPWSTR name, LONG_PTR arg )
struct reg_info *info = (struct reg_info *)arg;
WCHAR *buffer;
HRSRC rsrc = FindResourceW( module, name, type );
char *str = LoadResource( module, rsrc );
DWORD lenW, lenA = SizeofResource( module, rsrc );
if (!str) return FALSE;
if (!info->registrar && !create_registrar( module, info )) return FALSE;
lenW = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, str, lenA, NULL, 0 ) + 1;
if (!(buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, lenW * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
info->result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return FALSE;
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, str, lenA, buffer, lenW );
buffer[lenW - 1] = 0;
if (info->do_register)
info->result = IRegistrar_StringRegister( info->registrar, buffer );
info->result = IRegistrar_StringUnregister( info->registrar, buffer );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer );
return SUCCEEDED(info->result);
static HRESULT do_register_dll_server(IRegistrar *pRegistrar, LPCOLESTR wszDll,
LPCOLESTR wszId, BOOL do_register,
const struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries)
......@@ -820,19 +872,6 @@ static HRESULT do_register_dll_server(IRegistrar *pRegistrar, LPCOLESTR wszDll,
return hres;
static HRESULT do_register_server(BOOL do_register)
static const WCHAR CLSID_RegistrarW[] =
static const WCHAR atl_dllW[] = {'a','t','l','.','d','l','l',0};
WCHAR clsid_str[40];
const struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY reg_map[] = {{CLSID_RegistrarW, clsid_str}, {NULL,NULL}};
StringFromGUID2(&CLSID_Registrar, clsid_str, sizeof(clsid_str)/sizeof(WCHAR));
return do_register_dll_server(NULL, atl_dllW, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(101), do_register, reg_map);
* AtlModuleUpdateRegistryFromResourceD [ATL.@]
......@@ -858,13 +897,21 @@ HRESULT WINAPI AtlModuleUpdateRegistryFromResourceD(_ATL_MODULEW* pM, LPCOLESTR
return do_register_dll_server(pReg, module_name, lpszRes, bRegister, pMapEntries);
static const WCHAR regtypeW[] = {'W','I','N','E','_','R','E','G','I','S','T','R','Y',0};
* DllRegisterServer (ATL.@)
HRESULT WINAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
return do_register_server(TRUE);
struct reg_info info;
info.registrar = NULL;
info.do_register = TRUE;
info.result = S_OK;
EnumResourceNamesW( hInst, regtypeW, register_resource, (LONG_PTR)&info );
if (info.registrar) IRegistrar_Release( info.registrar );
return info.result;
......@@ -872,8 +919,14 @@ HRESULT WINAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
HRESULT WINAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)
return do_register_server(FALSE);
struct reg_info info;
info.registrar = NULL;
info.do_register = FALSE;
info.result = S_OK;
EnumResourceNamesW( hInst, regtypeW, register_resource, (LONG_PTR)&info );
if (info.registrar) IRegistrar_Release( info.registrar );
return info.result;
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