Commit 4ae262df authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

setupapi: Create fake dlls before performing dll registration.

parent dbfe34ec
......@@ -1082,10 +1082,10 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallFromInfSectionW( HWND owner, HINF hinf, PCWSTR section,
else info.callback = NULL;
if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, RegisterDlls, register_dlls_callback, &info ))
if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, WineFakeDlls, fake_dlls_callback, NULL ))
return FALSE;
if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, WineFakeDlls, fake_dlls_callback, NULL ))
if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, RegisterDlls, register_dlls_callback, &info ))
return FALSE;
if (flags & SPINST_UNREGSVR)
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