Commit 4b8adbef authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

jscript: Create undeclared values to script_disp instead of var_disp.

parent 9c18f6ef
......@@ -537,11 +537,11 @@ static HRESULT identifier_eval(exec_ctx_t *ctx, BSTR identifier, DWORD flags, js
return S_OK;
if(flags & EXPR_NEWREF) {
hres = jsdisp_get_id(ctx->var_disp, identifier, fdexNameEnsure, &id);
hres = jsdisp_get_id(ctx->parser->script->script_disp, identifier, fdexNameEnsure, &id);
return hres;
exprval_set_idref(ret, (IDispatch*)_IDispatchEx_(ctx->var_disp), id);
exprval_set_idref(ret, (IDispatch*)_IDispatchEx_(ctx->parser->script->script_disp), id);
return S_OK;
......@@ -907,4 +907,7 @@ function () {} nosemicolon();
ok(typeof(doesnotexist) === "undefined", "typeof(doesnotexist) = " + typeof(doesnotexist));
(function() { newValue = 1; })();
ok(newValue === 1, "newValue = " + newValue);
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