Commit 4ba7c423 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

conhost: Support setting tty title in set_console_title.

parent 7fe03dbf
......@@ -76,7 +76,10 @@ struct console
HANDLE tty_output; /* handle to tty output stream */
char tty_buffer[4096]; /* tty output buffer */
size_t tty_buffer_count; /* tty buffer size */
unsigned int tty_cursor_x; /* tty cursor position */
unsigned int tty_cursor_y;
unsigned int tty_attr; /* current tty char attributes */
int tty_cursor_visible; /* tty cursor visibility flag */
struct screen_buffer
......@@ -221,6 +224,49 @@ static void tty_write( struct console *console, const char *buffer, size_t size
static void *tty_alloc_buffer( struct console *console, size_t size )
void *ret;
if (console->tty_buffer_count + size > sizeof(console->tty_buffer)) return NULL;
ret = console->tty_buffer + console->tty_buffer_count;
console->tty_buffer_count += size;
return ret;
static void hide_tty_cursor( struct console *console )
if (console->tty_cursor_visible)
tty_write( console, "\x1b[25l", 5 );
console->tty_cursor_visible = FALSE;
static void set_tty_cursor( struct console *console, unsigned int x, unsigned int y )
char buf[64];
if (console->tty_cursor_x == x && console->tty_cursor_y == y) return;
if (!x && y == console->tty_cursor_y + 1) strcpy( buf, "\r\n" );
else if (!x && y == console->tty_cursor_y) strcpy( buf, "\r" );
else if (y == console->tty_cursor_y)
if (x + 1 == console->tty_cursor_x) strcpy( buf, "\b" );
else if (x > console->tty_cursor_x) sprintf( buf, "\x1b[%uC", x - console->tty_cursor_x );
else sprintf( buf, "\x1b[%uD", console->tty_cursor_x - x );
else if (x || y)
hide_tty_cursor( console );
sprintf( buf, "\x1b[%u;%uH", y + 1, x + 1);
else strcpy( buf, "\x1b[H" );
console->tty_cursor_x = x;
console->tty_cursor_y = y;
tty_write( console, buf, strlen(buf) );
static void set_tty_attr( struct console *console, unsigned int attr )
char buf[8];
......@@ -254,12 +300,31 @@ static void set_tty_attr( struct console *console, unsigned int attr )
console->tty_attr = attr;
static void tty_sync( struct console *console )
if (!console->tty_output) return;
if (console->active->cursor_visible)
set_tty_cursor( console, console->active->cursor_x, console->active->cursor_y );
if (!console->tty_cursor_visible)
tty_write( console, "\x1b[?25h", 6 ); /* show cursor */
console->tty_cursor_visible = TRUE;
else if (console->tty_cursor_visible)
hide_tty_cursor( console );
tty_flush( console );
static void init_tty_output( struct console *console )
/* initialize tty output, but don't flush */
tty_write( console, "\x1b[2J", 4 ); /* clear screen */
set_tty_attr( console, console->active->attr );
tty_write( console, "\x1b[H", 3 ); /* move cursor to (0,0) */
console->tty_cursor_visible = TRUE;
static NTSTATUS read_console_input( struct console *console, size_t out_size )
......@@ -865,6 +930,19 @@ static NTSTATUS set_console_title( struct console *console, const WCHAR *in_titl
free( console->title );
console->title = title;
console->title_len = size;
if (console->tty_output)
size_t len;
char *vt;
tty_write( console, "\x1b]0;", 4 );
len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, console->title, size / sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if ((vt = tty_alloc_buffer( console, len )))
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, console->title, size / sizeof(WCHAR), vt, len, NULL, NULL );
tty_write( console, "\x07", 1 );
tty_sync( console );
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