Commit 4baada41 authored by Jinoh Kang's avatar Jinoh Kang Committed by Alexandre Julliard

kernel32/tests: Test module refcounting with forwarded exports.

parent 320442a4
......@@ -2409,6 +2409,438 @@ static void test_import_resolution(void)
static HANDLE gen_forward_chain_testdll( char testdll_path[MAX_PATH],
const char source_dll[MAX_PATH],
BOOL is_export, BOOL is_import,
DWORD *exp_func_base_rva,
DWORD *imp_thunk_base_rva )
DWORD text_rva = page_size; /* assumes that the PE/COFF headers fit in a page */
DWORD text_size = page_size;
DWORD edata_rva = text_rva + text_size;
DWORD edata_size = page_size;
DWORD idata_rva = edata_rva + text_size;
DWORD idata_size = page_size;
DWORD eof_rva = idata_rva + edata_size;
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sections[3] = {
.Name = ".text",
.Misc = { .VirtualSize = text_size },
.VirtualAddress = text_rva,
.SizeOfRawData = text_size,
.PointerToRawData = text_rva,
.Name = ".edata",
.Misc = { .VirtualSize = edata_size },
.VirtualAddress = edata_rva,
.SizeOfRawData = edata_size,
.PointerToRawData = edata_rva,
.Name = ".idata",
.Misc = { .VirtualSize = edata_size },
.VirtualAddress = idata_rva,
.SizeOfRawData = idata_size,
.PointerToRawData = idata_rva,
struct expdesc
DWORD functions[2];
DWORD names[2];
WORD name_ords[2];
char str_forward_test_func[32];
char str_forward_test_func2[32];
char dll_name[MAX_PATH];
char strpool[2][MAX_PATH + 16];
} expdesc = {
.dir = {
.Characteristics = 0,
.TimeDateStamp = 0x12345678,
.Name = edata_rva + offsetof(struct expdesc, dll_name),
.Base = 1,
.NumberOfFunctions = ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.functions),
.NumberOfNames = ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.names),
.AddressOfFunctions = edata_rva + offsetof(struct expdesc, functions),
.AddressOfNames = edata_rva + offsetof(struct expdesc, names),
.AddressOfNameOrdinals = edata_rva + offsetof(struct expdesc, name_ords),
.functions = {
text_rva + 0x4,
text_rva + 0x8,
.names = {
edata_rva + offsetof(struct expdesc, str_forward_test_func),
edata_rva + offsetof(struct expdesc, str_forward_test_func2),
.name_ords = {
.str_forward_test_func = "forward_test_func",
.str_forward_test_func2 = "forward_test_func2",
struct impdesc
IMAGE_THUNK_DATA original_thunks[3];
struct { WORD hint; char name[32]; } impname_forward_test_func;
char module[MAX_PATH];
} impdesc = {
.descr = {
.OriginalFirstThunk = idata_rva + offsetof(struct impdesc, original_thunks),
.TimeDateStamp = 0,
.ForwarderChain = -1,
.Name = idata_rva + offsetof(struct impdesc, module),
.FirstThunk = idata_rva + offsetof(struct impdesc, thunks),
{{ 0 }},
.original_thunks = {
{{ idata_rva + offsetof(struct impdesc, impname_forward_test_func) }},
{{ 0 }},
.thunks = {
{{ idata_rva + offsetof(struct impdesc, impname_forward_test_func) }},
{{ 0 }},
.impname_forward_test_func = { 0, "forward_test_func" },
char temp_path[MAX_PATH];
HANDLE file, file_w;
DWORD outlen;
BOOL ret;
int res;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &qpc );
res = snprintf( expdesc.dll_name, ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.dll_name),
"ldr%05lx.dll", qpc.LowPart & 0xfffffUL );
ok( res > 0 && res < ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.dll_name), "snprintf failed\n" );
if (source_dll)
const char *export_names[2] = {
const char *backslash = strrchr( source_dll, '\\' );
const char *dllname = backslash ? backslash + 1 : source_dll;
const char *dot = strrchr( dllname, '.' );
size_t ext_start = dot ? dot - dllname : strlen(dllname);
size_t i;
res = snprintf( impdesc.module, ARRAY_SIZE(impdesc.module), "%s", dllname );
ok( res > 0 && res < ARRAY_SIZE(impdesc.module), "snprintf() failed\n" );
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(export_names); i++)
char *buf;
size_t buf_size;
assert( i < ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.strpool) );
buf = expdesc.strpool[i];
buf_size = ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.strpool[i]);
assert( ext_start < buf_size );
memcpy( buf, dllname, ext_start );
buf += ext_start;
buf_size -= ext_start;
res = snprintf( buf, buf_size, ".%s", export_names[i] );
ok( res > 0 && res < buf_size, "snprintf() failed\n" );
assert( i < ARRAY_SIZE(expdesc.functions) );
expdesc.functions[i] = edata_rva + (expdesc.strpool[i] - (char *)&expdesc);
nt_header = nt_header_template;
nt_header.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = 0x12345678;
nt_header.FileHeader.NumberOfSections = ARRAY_SIZE(sections);
nt_header.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader = sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER);
nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfCode = text_size;
nt_header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment = page_size;
nt_header.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment = page_size;
nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders = sizeof(dos_header) + sizeof(nt_header) + sizeof(sections);
nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = eof_rva;
if (is_export)
nt_header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress = edata_rva;
nt_header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].Size = sizeof(expdesc);
/* Always have an import descriptor (even if empty) just like a real DLL */
nt_header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress = idata_rva;
nt_header.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size = is_import ? sizeof(impdesc) : sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);
ok( nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders <= text_rva,
"headers (size %#lx) should not overlap with text area (RVA %#lx)\n",
nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, text_rva );
outlen = GetTempPathA( ARRAY_SIZE(temp_path), temp_path );
ok( outlen > 0 && outlen < ARRAY_SIZE(temp_path), "GetTempPathA() err=%lu\n", GetLastError() );
res = snprintf( testdll_path, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", temp_path, expdesc.dll_name );
ok( res > 0 && res < MAX_PATH, "snprintf failed\n" );
/* Open file handle that will be deleted on close or process termination */
file = CreateFileA( testdll_path,
ok( file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "CreateFile(%s) for delete returned error %lu\n",
wine_dbgstr_a( testdll_path ), GetLastError() );
/* Open file again with write access */
file_w = CreateFileA( testdll_path,
ok( file_w != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "CreateFile(%s) for write returned error %lu\n",
wine_dbgstr_a( testdll_path ), GetLastError() );
ret = WriteFile( file_w, &dos_header, sizeof(dos_header), &outlen, NULL );
ok( ret && outlen == sizeof(dos_header), "write dos_header: err=%lu outlen=%lu\n", GetLastError(), outlen );
ret = WriteFile( file_w, &nt_header, sizeof(nt_header), &outlen, NULL );
ok( ret && outlen == sizeof(nt_header), "write nt_header: err=%lu outlen=%lu\n", GetLastError(), outlen );
ret = WriteFile( file_w, sections, sizeof(sections), &outlen, NULL );
ok( ret && outlen == sizeof(sections), "write sections: err=%lu outlen=%lu\n", GetLastError(), outlen );
if (is_export)
SetFilePointer( file_w, edata_rva, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
ret = WriteFile( file_w, &expdesc, sizeof(expdesc), &outlen, NULL );
ok( ret && outlen == sizeof(expdesc), "write expdesc: err=%lu outlen=%lu\n", GetLastError(), outlen );
if (is_import)
SetFilePointer( file_w, idata_rva, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
ret = WriteFile( file_w, &impdesc, sizeof(impdesc), &outlen, NULL );
ok( ret && outlen == sizeof(impdesc), "write impdesc: err=%lu outlen=%lu\n", GetLastError(), outlen );
ret = SetFilePointer( file_w, eof_rva, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
ok( ret, "%lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = SetEndOfFile( file_w );
ok( ret, "%lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = CloseHandle( file_w );
ok( ret, "%lu\n", GetLastError() );
if (exp_func_base_rva)
*exp_func_base_rva = is_export ? edata_rva + ((char *)&expdesc.functions - (char *)&expdesc) : 0;
if (imp_thunk_base_rva)
*imp_thunk_base_rva = is_import ? idata_rva + ((char *)&impdesc.thunks - (char *)&impdesc) : 0;
return file;
static void subtest_export_forwarder_dep_chain( size_t num_chained_export_modules,
size_t exporter_index,
BOOL test_static_import )
size_t num_modules = num_chained_export_modules + !!test_static_import;
size_t importer_index = test_static_import ? num_modules - 1 : 0;
DWORD imp_thunk_base_rva, exp_func_base_rva;
size_t ultimate_depender_index = 0; /* latest module depending on modules earlier in chain */
char temp_paths[4][MAX_PATH];
HANDLE temp_files[4];
UINT_PTR exports[2];
HMODULE modules[4];
BOOL res;
size_t i;
assert(exporter_index < num_chained_export_modules);
assert(num_modules > 1);
assert(num_modules <= ARRAY_SIZE(temp_paths));
assert(num_modules <= ARRAY_SIZE(temp_files));
assert(num_modules <= ARRAY_SIZE(modules));
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Generate a chain of test DLL fixtures\n" );
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++)
temp_files[i] = gen_forward_chain_testdll( temp_paths[i],
i >= 1 ? temp_paths[i - 1] : NULL,
i < num_chained_export_modules,
importer_index && i == importer_index,
i == 0 ? &exp_func_base_rva : NULL,
i == importer_index ? &imp_thunk_base_rva : NULL );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Load the entire test DLL chain\n" );
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++)
HMODULE module;
ok( !GetModuleHandleA( temp_paths[i] ), "%s already loaded\n",
wine_dbgstr_a( temp_paths[i] ) );
modules[i] = LoadLibraryA( temp_paths[i] );
ok( !!modules[i], "LoadLibraryA(temp_paths[%Iu] = %s) err=%lu\n",
i, wine_dbgstr_a( temp_paths[i] ), GetLastError() );
if (i == importer_index)
/* Statically importing export forwarder introduces a load-time dependency */
ultimate_depender_index = max( ultimate_depender_index, importer_index );
module = GetModuleHandleA( temp_paths[i] );
ok( module == modules[i], "modules[%Iu] expected %p, got %p err=%lu\n",
i, modules[i], module, GetLastError() );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Get address of exported functions from the source module\n" );
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(exports); i++)
char *mod_base = (char *)modules[0]; /* source (non-forward) DLL */
exports[i] = (UINT_PTR)(mod_base + ((DWORD *)(mod_base + exp_func_base_rva))[i]);
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Check import address table of the importer DLL, if any\n" );
if (importer_index)
UINT_PTR *imp_thunk_base = (UINT_PTR *)((char *)modules[importer_index] + imp_thunk_base_rva);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(exports); i++)
ok( imp_thunk_base[i] == exports[i], "import thunk mismatch [%Iu]: (%#Ix, %#Ix)\n",
i, imp_thunk_base[i], exports[i] );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Call GetProcAddress() on the exporter DLL, if any\n" );
if (exporter_index)
UINT_PTR proc;
proc = (UINT_PTR)GetProcAddress( modules[exporter_index], "forward_test_func" );
ok( proc == exports[0], "GetProcAddress mismatch [0]: (%#Ix, %#Ix)\n", proc, exports[0] );
proc = (UINT_PTR)GetProcAddress( modules[exporter_index], (LPSTR)2 );
ok( proc == exports[1], "GetProcAddress mismatch [1]: (%#Ix, %#Ix)\n", proc, exports[1] );
/* Dynamically importing export forwarder introduces a runtime dependency */
ultimate_depender_index = max( ultimate_depender_index, exporter_index );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Unreference modules except the ultimate dependant DLL\n" );
for (i = 0; i < ultimate_depender_index; i++)
HMODULE module;
res = FreeLibrary( modules[i] );
ok( res, "FreeLibrary(modules[%Iu]) err=%lu\n", i, GetLastError() );
/* FreeLibrary() should *not* unload the DLL immediately */
module = GetModuleHandleA( temp_paths[i] );
todo_wine_if(i < ultimate_depender_index && i + 1 != importer_index)
ok( module == modules[i], "modules[%Iu] expected %p, got %p (unloaded?) err=%lu\n",
i, modules[i], module, GetLastError() );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "The ultimate dependant DLL should keep other DLLs from being unloaded\n" );
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++)
HMODULE module = GetModuleHandleA( temp_paths[i] );
todo_wine_if(i < ultimate_depender_index && i + 1 != importer_index)
ok( module == modules[i], "modules[%Iu] expected %p, got %p (unloaded?) err=%lu\n",
i, modules[i], module, GetLastError() );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Unreference the remaining modules (including the dependant DLL)\n" );
for (i = ultimate_depender_index; i < num_modules; i++)
res = FreeLibrary( modules[i] );
ok( res, "FreeLibrary(modules[%Iu]) err=%lu\n", i, GetLastError() );
/* FreeLibrary() should unload the DLL immediately */
ok( !GetModuleHandleA( temp_paths[i] ), "modules[%Iu] should not be kept loaded (2)\n", i );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "All modules should be unloaded; the unloading process should not reload any DLL\n" );
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++)
ok( !GetModuleHandleA( temp_paths[i] ), "modules[%Iu] should not be kept loaded (3)\n", i );
if (winetest_debug > 1)
trace( "Close and delete temp files\n" );
for (i = 0; i < num_modules; i++)
/* handles should be delete-on-close */
CloseHandle( temp_files[i] );
static void test_export_forwarder_dep_chain(void)
winetest_push_context( "no import" );
/* export forwarder does not introduce a dependency on its own */
subtest_export_forwarder_dep_chain( 2, FALSE, 0 );
winetest_push_context( "static import of export forwarder" );
subtest_export_forwarder_dep_chain( 2, TRUE, 0 );
winetest_push_context( "static import of chained export forwarder" );
subtest_export_forwarder_dep_chain( 3, TRUE, 0 );
winetest_push_context( "dynamic import of export forwarder" );
subtest_export_forwarder_dep_chain( 2, FALSE, 1 );
winetest_push_context( "dynamic import of chained export forwarder" );
subtest_export_forwarder_dep_chain( 3, FALSE, 2 );
#define MAX_COUNT 10
static HANDLE attached_thread[MAX_COUNT];
static DWORD attached_thread_count;
......@@ -4282,6 +4714,7 @@ START_TEST(loader)
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