Commit 4e6eb13c authored by Hans Leidekker's avatar Hans Leidekker Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wbemprox: Add a partial StdRegProv class implementation.

parent cd5cad69
......@@ -51,10 +51,14 @@ static const WCHAR class_networkadapterW[] =
static const WCHAR class_osW[] =
static const WCHAR class_paramsW[] =
static const WCHAR class_processW[] =
static const WCHAR class_processorW[] =
static const WCHAR class_stdregprovW[] =
static const WCHAR class_videocontrollerW[] =
......@@ -62,22 +66,28 @@ static const WCHAR prop_adapterramW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_captionW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_csdversionW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_classW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_commandlineW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_cpustatusW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_csdversionW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_currentbitsperpixelW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_currenthorizontalresW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_currentverticalresW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_defaultvalueW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_descriptionW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_deviceidW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_directionW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_drivetypeW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_filesystemW[] =
......@@ -92,6 +102,8 @@ static const WCHAR prop_macaddressW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_manufacturerW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_methodW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_modelW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_nameW[] =
......@@ -106,6 +118,8 @@ static const WCHAR prop_osarchitectureW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_oslanguageW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_parameterW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_pnpdeviceidW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_pprocessidW[] =
......@@ -130,6 +144,24 @@ static const WCHAR prop_threadcountW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_totalphysicalmemoryW[] =
static const WCHAR prop_typeW[] =
static const WCHAR method_enumkeyW[] =
static const WCHAR method_enumvaluesW[] =
static const WCHAR param_defkeyW[] =
static const WCHAR param_namesW[] =
static const WCHAR param_returnvalueW[] =
static const WCHAR param_subkeynameW[] =
static const WCHAR param_typesW[] =
/* column definitions must be kept in sync with record structures below */
static const struct column col_baseboard[] =
......@@ -179,6 +211,15 @@ static const struct column col_os[] =
{ prop_oslanguageW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 },
{ prop_systemdirectoryW, CIM_STRING }
static const struct column col_params[] =
{ prop_classW, CIM_STRING },
{ prop_methodW, CIM_STRING },
{ prop_directionW, CIM_SINT32 },
{ prop_parameterW, CIM_STRING },
{ prop_typeW, CIM_UINT32 },
{ prop_defaultvalueW, CIM_UINT32 }
static const struct column col_process[] =
......@@ -197,6 +238,11 @@ static const struct column col_processor[] =
{ prop_processoridW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }
static const struct column col_stdregprov[] =
{ method_enumkeyW, CIM_OBJECT|COL_FLAG_METHOD },
{ method_enumvaluesW, CIM_OBJECT|COL_FLAG_METHOD }
static const struct column col_videocontroller[] =
{ prop_adapterramW, CIM_UINT32 },
......@@ -291,6 +337,15 @@ struct record_operatingsystem
UINT32 oslanguage;
const WCHAR *systemdirectory;
struct record_params
const WCHAR *class;
const WCHAR *method;
INT32 direction;
const WCHAR *parameter;
UINT32 type;
UINT32 defaultvalue;
struct record_process
const WCHAR *caption;
......@@ -309,6 +364,11 @@ struct record_processor
const WCHAR *name;
const WCHAR *processor_id;
struct record_stdregprov
class_method *enumkey;
class_method *enumvalues;
struct record_videocontroller
UINT32 adapter_ram;
......@@ -320,6 +380,17 @@ struct record_videocontroller
#include "poppack.h"
static HRESULT reg_enumkey( IWbemClassObject *in, IWbemClassObject **out )
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT reg_enumvalues( IWbemClassObject *in, IWbemClassObject **out )
return E_NOTIMPL;
static const struct record_baseboard data_baseboard[] =
{ baseboard_manufacturerW, baseboard_serialnumberW, baseboard_tagW }
......@@ -328,6 +399,22 @@ static const struct record_bios data_bios[] =
{ bios_descriptionW, bios_manufacturerW, bios_releasedateW, bios_serialnumberW }
static const struct record_params data_params[] =
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, 1, param_defkeyW, CIM_UINT32, 0x80000002 },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, 1, param_subkeynameW, CIM_STRING },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32 },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, -1, param_namesW, CIM_STRING|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, 1, param_defkeyW, CIM_UINT32, 0x80000002 },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, 1, param_subkeynameW, CIM_STRING },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32 },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, -1, param_namesW, CIM_STRING|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY },
{ class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, -1, param_typesW, CIM_SINT32|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY }
static const struct record_stdregprov data_stdregprov[] =
{ reg_enumkey, reg_enumvalues }
static UINT get_processor_count(void)
......@@ -586,7 +673,6 @@ static void regs_to_str( unsigned int *regs, unsigned int len, WCHAR *buffer )
buffer[i] = *p++;
buffer[i] = 0;
static void get_processor_manufacturer( WCHAR *manufacturer )
......@@ -732,13 +818,15 @@ done:
static struct table classtable[] =
{ class_baseboardW, SIZEOF(col_baseboard), col_baseboard, SIZEOF(data_baseboard), (BYTE *)data_baseboard },
{ class_biosW, SIZEOF(col_bios), col_bios, SIZEOF(data_bios), (BYTE *)data_bios, NULL },
{ class_biosW, SIZEOF(col_bios), col_bios, SIZEOF(data_bios), (BYTE *)data_bios },
{ class_compsysW, SIZEOF(col_compsys), col_compsys, 0, NULL, fill_compsys },
{ class_logicaldiskW, SIZEOF(col_logicaldisk), col_logicaldisk, 0, NULL, fill_logicaldisk },
{ class_networkadapterW, SIZEOF(col_networkadapter), col_networkadapter, 0, NULL, fill_networkadapter },
{ class_osW, SIZEOF(col_os), col_os, 0, NULL, fill_os },
{ class_paramsW, SIZEOF(col_params), col_params, SIZEOF(data_params), (BYTE *)data_params },
{ class_processW, SIZEOF(col_process), col_process, 0, NULL, fill_process },
{ class_processorW, SIZEOF(col_processor), col_processor, 0, NULL, fill_processor },
{ class_stdregprovW, SIZEOF(col_stdregprov), col_stdregprov, SIZEOF(data_stdregprov), (BYTE *)data_stdregprov },
{ class_videocontrollerW, SIZEOF(col_videocontroller), col_videocontroller, 0, NULL, fill_videocontroller }
......@@ -626,12 +626,28 @@ done:
return ret;
static UINT count_selected_props( const struct view *view )
static inline BOOL is_method( const struct table *table, UINT column )
return table->columns[column].type & COL_FLAG_METHOD;
static UINT count_properties( const struct view *view )
UINT i, num_props = 0;
for (i = 0; i < view->table->num_cols; i++)
if (!is_method( view->table, i)) num_props++;
return num_props;
static UINT count_selected_properties( const struct view *view )
const struct property *prop = view->proplist;
UINT count;
if (!prop) return view->table->num_cols;
if (!prop) return count_properties( view );
count = 1;
while ((prop = prop->next)) count++;
......@@ -682,7 +698,7 @@ static HRESULT get_system_propval( const struct view *view, UINT index, const WC
if (!strcmpiW( name, propcountW ))
V_VT( ret ) = VT_I4;
V_I4( ret ) = count_selected_props( view );
V_I4( ret ) = count_selected_properties( view );
if (type) *type = CIM_SINT32;
return S_OK;
......@@ -750,7 +766,7 @@ HRESULT get_propval( const struct view *view, UINT index, const WCHAR *name, VAR
if (!is_selected_prop( view, name )) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND;
hr = get_column_index( view->table, name, &column );
if (hr != S_OK) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND;
if (hr != S_OK || is_method( view->table, column )) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND;
vartype = view->table->columns[column].vartype;
......@@ -804,11 +820,14 @@ HRESULT get_properties( const struct view *view, SAFEARRAY **props )
BSTR str;
UINT num_props = count_properties( view );
if (!(sa = SafeArrayCreateVector( VT_BSTR, 0, view->table->num_cols ))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (!(sa = SafeArrayCreateVector( VT_BSTR, 0, num_props ))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
for (i = 0; i < view->table->num_cols; i++)
if (is_method( view->table, i )) continue;
str = SysAllocString( view->table->columns[i].name );
if (!str || SafeArrayPutElement( sa, &i, str ) != S_OK)
......@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ IClientSecurity client_security;
#define COL_TYPE_MASK 0x0000ffff
#define COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC 0x00010000
#define COL_FLAG_KEY 0x00020000
#define COL_FLAG_METHOD 0x00040000
typedef HRESULT (class_method)(IWbemClassObject *, IWbemClassObject **);
struct column
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