Commit 5b92b39b authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

quartz: Reorder some functions to avoid forward declarations.

parent 8d771576
......@@ -189,19 +189,6 @@ HRESULT OutputPin_SendSample(OutputPin * This, IMediaSample * pSample);
HRESULT OutputPin_DeliverDisconnect(OutputPin * This);
HRESULT OutputPin_DeliverNewSegment(OutputPin * This, REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate);
/*** MemInputPin Implementation ***/
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_QueryInterface(IMemInputPin * iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv);
ULONG WINAPI MemInputPin_AddRef(IMemInputPin * iface);
ULONG WINAPI MemInputPin_Release(IMemInputPin * iface);
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_GetAllocator(IMemInputPin * iface, IMemAllocator ** ppAllocator);
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_NotifyAllocator(IMemInputPin * iface, IMemAllocator * pAllocator, BOOL bReadOnly);
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_GetAllocatorRequirements(IMemInputPin * iface, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES * pProps);
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_Receive(IMemInputPin * iface, IMediaSample * pSample);
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_ReceiveMultiple(IMemInputPin * iface, IMediaSample ** pSamples, long nSamples, long *nSamplesProcessed);
HRESULT WINAPI MemInputPin_ReceiveCanBlock(IMemInputPin * iface);
/* Pull Pin */
HRESULT WINAPI PullPin_ReceiveConnection(IPin * iface, IPin * pReceivePin, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt);
HRESULT WINAPI PullPin_Disconnect(IPin * iface);
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