Commit 6185c8a3 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

win32u: Implement GPU registration.

parent f8817ce2
......@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@ HKEY reg_open_key( HKEY root, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len )
/* wrapper for NtCreateKey that creates the key recursively if necessary */
static HKEY reg_create_key( HKEY root, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len,
DWORD options, DWORD *disposition )
HKEY reg_create_key( HKEY root, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len,
DWORD options, DWORD *disposition )
UNICODE_STRING nameW = { name_len, name_len, (WCHAR *)name };
......@@ -606,14 +606,14 @@ HKEY reg_open_hkcu_key( const char *name )
return reg_open_key( hkcu_key, nameW, asciiz_to_unicode( nameW, name ) - sizeof(WCHAR) );
static void set_reg_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *name, UINT type, const void *value, DWORD count )
void set_reg_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *name, UINT type, const void *value, DWORD count )
unsigned int name_size = name ? lstrlenW( name ) * sizeof(WCHAR) : 0;
UNICODE_STRING nameW = { name_size, name_size, (WCHAR *)name };
NtSetValueKey( hkey, &nameW, 0, type, value, count );
static void set_reg_ascii_value( HKEY hkey, const char *name, const char *value )
void set_reg_ascii_value( HKEY hkey, const char *name, const char *value )
WCHAR nameW[64], valueW[128];
asciiz_to_unicode( nameW, name );
......@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ static void reg_delete_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *name )
NtDeleteValueKey( hkey, &nameW );
static BOOL reg_delete_tree( HKEY parent, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len )
BOOL reg_delete_tree( HKEY parent, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len )
char buffer[4096];
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
static HKEY video_key, enum_key, config_key;
static HKEY video_key, enum_key, control_key, config_key;
static const WCHAR devicemap_video_keyW[] =
......@@ -54,6 +54,15 @@ static const WCHAR enum_keyW[] =
static const WCHAR control_keyW[] =
static const WCHAR config_keyW[] =
......@@ -64,6 +73,30 @@ static const WCHAR config_keyW[] =
static const WCHAR devpropkey_gpu_vulkan_uuidW[] =
static const WCHAR devpropkey_gpu_luidW[] =
static const WCHAR devpropkey_device_ispresentW[] =
static const WCHAR wine_devpropkey_monitor_stateflagsW[] =
......@@ -88,12 +121,37 @@ static const WCHAR wine_devpropkey_monitor_rcworkW[] =
static const WCHAR device_instanceW[] = {'D','e','v','i','c','e','I','n','s','t','a','n','c','e',0};
static const WCHAR controlW[] = {'C','o','n','t','r','o','l'};
static const WCHAR device_parametersW[] =
{'D','e','v','i','c','e',' ','P','a','r','a','m','e','t','e','r','s'};
static const WCHAR linkedW[] = {'L','i','n','k','e','d',0};
static const WCHAR state_flagsW[] = {'S','t','a','t','e','F','l','a','g','s',0};
static const WCHAR gpu_idW[] = {'G','P','U','I','D',0};
static const WCHAR hardware_idW[] = {'H','a','r','d','w','a','r','e','I','D',0};
static const WCHAR device_descW[] = {'D','e','v','i','c','e','D','e','s','c',0};
static const WCHAR driver_descW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e','r','D','e','s','c',0};
static const WCHAR driverW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e','r',0};
static const WCHAR class_guidW[] = {'C','l','a','s','s','G','U','I','D',0};
static const WCHAR pciW[] = {'P','C','I'};
static const WCHAR classW[] = {'C','l','a','s','s',0};
static const WCHAR displayW[] = {'D','i','s','p','l','a','y',0};
static const WCHAR monitorW[] = {'M','o','n','i','t','o','r',0};
static const char guid_devclass_displayA[] = "{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}";
static const WCHAR guid_devclass_displayW[] =
static const char guid_devclass_monitorA[] = "{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}";
static const WCHAR guid_devinterface_display_adapterW[] =
static const WCHAR guid_display_device_arrivalW[] =
static const WCHAR guid_devinterface_monitorW[] =
......@@ -336,16 +394,414 @@ static BOOL read_monitor_settings( struct adapter *adapter, DWORD index, struct
return TRUE;
static void reg_empty_key( HKEY root, const char *key_name )
char buffer[4096];
WCHAR bufferW[512];
DWORD size;
HKEY hkey;
if (key_name)
hkey = reg_open_key( root, bufferW, asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, key_name ) - sizeof(WCHAR) );
hkey = root;
while (!NtEnumerateKey( hkey, 0, KeyNodeInformation, key, sizeof(buffer), &size ))
reg_delete_tree( hkey, key->Name, key->NameLength );
while (!NtEnumerateValueKey( hkey, 0, KeyValueFullInformation, value, sizeof(buffer), &size ))
UNICODE_STRING name = { value->NameLength, value->NameLength, value->Name };
NtDeleteValueKey( hkey, &name );
if (hkey != root) NtClose( hkey );
static void prepare_devices(void)
char buffer[4096];
KEY_NODE_INFORMATION *key = (void *)buffer;
KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION *value = (void *)buffer;
WCHAR *value_str = (WCHAR *)value->Data;
WCHAR bufferW[128];
unsigned i = 0;
DWORD size;
HKEY hkey, subkey, device_key, prop_key;
if (!enum_key) enum_key = reg_create_key( NULL, enum_keyW, sizeof(enum_keyW), 0, NULL );
if (!control_key) control_key = reg_create_key( NULL, control_keyW, sizeof(control_keyW), 0, NULL );
if (!config_key) config_key = reg_create_key( NULL, config_keyW, sizeof(config_keyW), 0, NULL );
if (!video_key) video_key = reg_create_key( NULL, devicemap_video_keyW, sizeof(devicemap_video_keyW),
/* delete monitors */
reg_empty_key( enum_key, "DISPLAY\\DEFAULT_MONITOR" );
sprintf( buffer, "Class\\%s", guid_devclass_monitorA );
hkey = reg_create_key( control_key, bufferW, asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ) - sizeof(WCHAR),
0, NULL );
reg_empty_key( hkey, NULL );
set_reg_value( hkey, classW, REG_SZ, monitorW, sizeof(monitorW) );
NtClose( hkey );
/* delete adapters */
reg_empty_key( video_key, NULL );
/* clean GPUs */
sprintf( buffer, "Class\\%s", guid_devclass_displayA );
hkey = reg_create_key( control_key, bufferW, asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ) - sizeof(WCHAR),
0, NULL );
reg_empty_key( hkey, NULL );
set_reg_value( hkey, classW, REG_SZ, displayW, sizeof(displayW) );
NtClose( hkey );
hkey = reg_open_key( enum_key, pciW, sizeof(pciW) );
/* To preserve GPU GUIDs, mark them as not present and delete them in cleanup_devices if needed. */
while (!NtEnumerateKey( hkey, i++, KeyNodeInformation, key, sizeof(buffer), &size ))
unsigned int j = 0;
if (!(subkey = reg_open_key( hkey, key->Name, key->NameLength ))) continue;
while (!NtEnumerateKey( subkey, j++, KeyNodeInformation, key, sizeof(buffer), &size ))
if (!(device_key = reg_open_key( subkey, key->Name, key->NameLength ))) continue;
size = query_reg_value( device_key, class_guidW, value, sizeof(buffer) );
if (size != sizeof(guid_devclass_displayW) || wcscmp( value_str, guid_devclass_displayW ))
NtClose( device_key );
size = query_reg_value( device_key, class_guidW, value, sizeof(buffer) );
if (size == sizeof(guid_devclass_displayW) &&
!wcscmp( (const WCHAR *)value->Data, guid_devclass_displayW ) &&
(prop_key = reg_create_key( device_key, devpropkey_device_ispresentW,
sizeof(devpropkey_device_ispresentW), 0, NULL )))
BOOL present = FALSE;
set_reg_value( prop_key, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
&present, sizeof(present) );
NtClose( prop_key );
NtClose( device_key );
NtClose( subkey );
NtClose( hkey );
static void cleanup_devices(void)
char buffer[4096];
KEY_NODE_INFORMATION *key = (void *)buffer;
KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION *value = (void *)buffer;
WCHAR bufferW[512], *value_str = (WCHAR *)value->Data;
unsigned i = 0;
DWORD size;
HKEY hkey, subkey, device_key, prop_key;
hkey = reg_open_key( enum_key, pciW, sizeof(pciW) );
while (!NtEnumerateKey( hkey, i++, KeyNodeInformation, key, sizeof(buffer), &size ))
unsigned int j = 0;
if (!(subkey = reg_open_key( hkey, key->Name, key->NameLength ))) continue;
while (!NtEnumerateKey( subkey, j++, KeyNodeInformation, key, sizeof(buffer), &size ))
BOOL present = FALSE;
if (!(device_key = reg_open_key( subkey, key->Name, key->NameLength ))) continue;
memcpy( bufferW, key->Name, key->NameLength );
bufferW[key->NameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
size = query_reg_value( device_key, class_guidW, value, sizeof(buffer) );
if (size != sizeof(guid_devclass_displayW) || wcscmp( value_str, guid_devclass_displayW ))
NtClose( device_key );
if ((prop_key = reg_open_key( device_key, devpropkey_device_ispresentW,
sizeof(devpropkey_device_ispresentW) )))
if (query_reg_value( prop_key, NULL, value, sizeof(buffer) ) == sizeof(BOOL))
present = *(const BOOL *)value->Data;
NtClose( prop_key );
NtClose( device_key );
if (!present && reg_delete_tree( subkey, bufferW, lstrlenW( bufferW ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))
goto restart;
NtClose( subkey );
NtClose( hkey );
/* see UuidCreate */
static void uuid_create( GUID *uuid )
char buf[4096];
NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemInterruptInformation, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL );
memcpy( uuid, buf, sizeof(*uuid) );
uuid->Data3 &= 0x0fff;
uuid->Data3 |= (4 << 12);
uuid->Data4[0] &= 0x3f;
uuid->Data4[0] |= 0x80;
#define TICKSPERSEC 10000000
#define SECSPERDAY 86400
#define DAYSPERQUADRICENTENNIUM (365 * 400 + 97)
static unsigned int format_date( WCHAR *bufferW, LONGLONG time )
int cleaps, years, yearday, months, days;
unsigned int day, month, year;
char buffer[32];
/* compute year, month and day of month, see RtlTimeToTimeFields */
cleaps = (3 * ((4 * days + 1227) / DAYSPERQUADRICENTENNIUM) + 3) / 4;
days += 28188 + cleaps;
years = (20 * days - 2442) / (5 * DAYSPERNORMALQUADRENNIUM);
yearday = days - (years * DAYSPERNORMALQUADRENNIUM) / 4;
months = (64 * yearday) / 1959;
if (months < 14)
month = months - 1;
year = years + 1524;
month = months - 13;
year = years + 1525;
day = yearday - (1959 * months) / 64 ;
sprintf( buffer, "%u-%u-%u", month, day, year );
return asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer );
struct device_manager_ctx
unsigned int gpu_count;
unsigned int adapter_count;
unsigned int video_count;
unsigned int monitor_count;
unsigned int output_count;
HANDLE mutex;
WCHAR gpuid[128];
WCHAR gpu_guid[64];
LUID gpu_luid;
HKEY adapter_key;
static void link_device( const WCHAR *instance, const WCHAR *class )
unsigned int instance_len = lstrlenW( instance ), len;
unsigned int class_len = lstrlenW( class );
WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH], *ptr;
HKEY hkey, subkey;
static const WCHAR symbolic_linkW[] = {'S','y','m','b','o','l','i','c','L','i','n','k',0};
static const WCHAR hashW[] = {'#'};
len = asciiz_to_unicode( buffer, "DeviceClasses\\" ) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1;
memcpy( buffer + len, class, class_len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
len += class_len;
len += asciiz_to_unicode( buffer + len, "\\##?#" ) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1;
memcpy( buffer + len, instance, instance_len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
for (ptr = buffer + len; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '\\') *ptr = '#';
len += instance_len;
buffer[len++] = '#';
memcpy( buffer + len, class, class_len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
len += class_len;
hkey = reg_create_key( control_key, buffer, len * sizeof(WCHAR), 0, NULL );
set_reg_value( hkey, device_instanceW, REG_SZ, instance, instance_len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, hashW, sizeof(hashW), REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, NULL );
NtClose( hkey );
hkey = subkey;
len = asciiz_to_unicode( buffer, "\\\\?\\" ) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1;
memcpy( buffer + len, instance, (instance_len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
len += instance_len;
memcpy( buffer + len, class, (class_len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
len += class_len + 1;
for (ptr = buffer + 4; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '\\') *ptr = '#';
set_reg_value( hkey, symbolic_linkW, REG_SZ, buffer, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, controlW, sizeof(controlW), REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, NULL )))
const DWORD linked = 1;
set_reg_value( subkey, linkedW, REG_DWORD, &linked, sizeof(linked) );
NtClose( subkey );
static void add_gpu( const struct gdi_gpu *gpu, void *param )
struct device_manager_ctx *ctx = param;
FIXME( "\n" );
const WCHAR *desc;
char buffer[4096];
WCHAR bufferW[512];
KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION *value = (void *)buffer;
unsigned int gpu_index, size;
HKEY hkey, subkey;
static const BOOL present = TRUE;
static const WCHAR wine_adapterW[] = {'W','i','n','e',' ','A','d','a','p','t','e','r',0};
static const WCHAR video_idW[] = {'V','i','d','e','o','I','D',0};
static const WCHAR driver_date_dataW[] =
static const WCHAR adapter_stringW[] =
static const WCHAR bios_stringW[] =
static const WCHAR chip_typeW[] =
static const WCHAR dac_typeW[] =
static const WCHAR ramdacW[] =
{'I','n','t','e','r','g','r','a','t','e','d',' ','R','A','M','D','A','C',0};
static const WCHAR driver_dateW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e','r','D','a','t','e',0};
TRACE( "%s %04X %04X %08X %02X\n", debugstr_w(gpu->name),
gpu->vendor_id, gpu->device_id, gpu->subsys_id, gpu->revision_id );
gpu_index = ctx->gpu_count++;
ctx->adapter_count = 0;
ctx->monitor_count = 0;
if (!enum_key && !(enum_key = reg_create_key( NULL, enum_keyW, sizeof(enum_keyW), 0, NULL )))
if (!ctx->mutex)
ctx->mutex = get_display_device_init_mutex();
pthread_mutex_lock( &display_lock );
sprintf( buffer, "PCI\\VEN_%04X&DEV_%04X&SUBSYS_%08X&REV_%02X\\%08X",
gpu->vendor_id, gpu->device_id, gpu->subsys_id, gpu->revision_id, gpu_index );
size = asciiz_to_unicode( ctx->gpuid, buffer );
if (!(hkey = reg_create_key( enum_key, ctx->gpuid, size - sizeof(WCHAR), 0, NULL ))) return;
set_reg_value( hkey, classW, REG_SZ, displayW, sizeof(displayW) );
set_reg_value( hkey, class_guidW, REG_SZ, guid_devclass_displayW,
sizeof(guid_devclass_displayW) );
sprintf( buffer, "%s\\%04X", guid_devclass_displayA, gpu_index );
set_reg_value( hkey, driverW, REG_SZ, bufferW, asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ));
sprintf( buffer, "PCI\\VEN_%04X&DEV_%04X&SUBSYS_%08X&REV_%02X",
gpu->vendor_id, gpu->device_id, gpu->subsys_id, gpu->revision_id );
size = asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer );
bufferW[size / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; /* for REG_MULTI_SZ */
set_reg_value( hkey, hardware_idW, REG_MULTI_SZ, bufferW, size + sizeof(WCHAR) );
desc = gpu->name;
if (!desc[0]) desc = wine_adapterW;
set_reg_value( hkey, device_descW, REG_SZ, desc, (lstrlenW( desc ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, device_parametersW, sizeof(device_parametersW), 0, NULL )))
if (!query_reg_value( subkey, video_idW, value, sizeof(buffer) ))
GUID guid;
uuid_create( &guid );
sprintf( buffer, "{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}",
guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2],
guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7] );
size = asciiz_to_unicode( ctx->gpu_guid, buffer );
TRACE( "created guid %s\n", debugstr_w(ctx->gpu_guid) );
set_reg_value( subkey, video_idW, REG_SZ, ctx->gpu_guid, size );
memcpy( ctx->gpu_guid, value->Data, value->DataLength );
TRACE( "got guid %s\n", debugstr_w(ctx->gpu_guid) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, devpropkey_gpu_vulkan_uuidW,
sizeof(devpropkey_gpu_vulkan_uuidW), 0, NULL )))
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_GUID,
&gpu->vulkan_uuid, sizeof(gpu->vulkan_uuid) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, devpropkey_device_ispresentW,
sizeof(devpropkey_device_ispresentW), 0, NULL )))
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
&present, sizeof(present) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, devpropkey_gpu_luidW, sizeof(devpropkey_gpu_luidW), 0, NULL )))
if (query_reg_value( subkey, NULL, value, sizeof(buffer) ) != sizeof(LUID))
NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId( &ctx->gpu_luid );
TRACE("allocated luid %08x%08x\n", ctx->gpu_luid.HighPart, ctx->gpu_luid.LowPart );
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT64,
&ctx->gpu_luid, sizeof(ctx->gpu_luid) );
memcpy( &ctx->gpu_luid, value->Data, sizeof(ctx->gpu_luid) );
TRACE("got luid %08x%08x\n", ctx->gpu_luid.HighPart, ctx->gpu_luid.LowPart );
NtClose( subkey );
NtClose( hkey );
sprintf( buffer, "Class\\%s\\%04X", guid_devclass_displayA, gpu_index );
hkey = reg_create_key( control_key, bufferW,
asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ) - sizeof(WCHAR), 0, NULL );
NtQuerySystemTime( &ft );
set_reg_value( hkey, driver_dateW, REG_SZ, bufferW, format_date( bufferW, ft.QuadPart ));
set_reg_value( hkey, driver_date_dataW, REG_BINARY, &ft, sizeof(ft) );
size = (lstrlenW( desc ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
set_reg_value( hkey, driver_descW, REG_SZ, desc, size );
set_reg_value( hkey, adapter_stringW, REG_BINARY, desc, size );
set_reg_value( hkey, bios_stringW, REG_BINARY, desc, size );
set_reg_value( hkey, chip_typeW, REG_BINARY, desc, size );
set_reg_value( hkey, dac_typeW, REG_BINARY, ramdacW, sizeof(ramdacW) );
NtClose( hkey );
link_device( ctx->gpuid, guid_devinterface_display_adapterW );
link_device( ctx->gpuid, guid_display_device_arrivalW );
static void add_adapter( const struct gdi_adapter *adapter, void *param )
......@@ -367,6 +823,17 @@ static const struct gdi_device_manager device_manager =
static void release_display_manager_ctx( struct device_manager_ctx *ctx )
if (ctx->mutex)
pthread_mutex_unlock( &display_lock );
release_display_device_init_mutex( ctx->mutex );
if (ctx->adapter_key)
NtClose( ctx->adapter_key );
last_query_display_time = 0;
if (ctx->gpu_count) cleanup_devices();
static BOOL update_display_cache_from_registry(void)
......@@ -240,12 +240,18 @@ extern NTSTATUS gdi_init(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern NTSTATUS callbacks_init( void *args ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void winstation_init(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern HKEY reg_create_key( HKEY root, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len,
DWORD options, DWORD *disposition ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern HKEY reg_open_hkcu_key( const char *name ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern HKEY reg_open_key( HKEY root, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern ULONG query_reg_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *name,
extern ULONG query_reg_ascii_value( HKEY hkey, const char *name,
extern void set_reg_ascii_value( HKEY hkey, const char *name, const char *value ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void set_reg_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *name, UINT type, const void *value,
extern BOOL reg_delete_tree( HKEY parent, const WCHAR *name, ULONG name_len ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
static inline struct user_thread_info *get_user_thread_info(void)
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