Commit 64c456af authored by Zebediah Figura's avatar Zebediah Figura Committed by Alexandre Julliard

shell32: Implement the DeleteItem() command for Progman DDE.

parent 6e5efd00
......@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ static DWORD PROGMAN_OnExecute(WCHAR *command, int argc, WCHAR **argv)
static const WCHAR delete_groupW[] = {'D','e','l','e','t','e','G','r','o','u','p',0};
static const WCHAR show_groupW[] = {'S','h','o','w','G','r','o','u','p',0};
static const WCHAR add_itemW[] = {'A','d','d','I','t','e','m',0};
static const WCHAR delete_itemW[] = {'D','e','l','e','t','e','I','t','e','m',0};
static const WCHAR dotexeW[] = {'.','e','x','e',0};
static const WCHAR dotlnkW[] = {'.','l','n','k',0};
......@@ -254,6 +255,25 @@ static DWORD PROGMAN_OnExecute(WCHAR *command, int argc, WCHAR **argv)
else if (!strcmpiW(command, delete_itemW))
WCHAR *name;
BOOL ret;
if (argc < 1) return DDE_FNOTPROCESSED;
name = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (strlenW(last_group) + 1 + strlenW(argv[0]) + 5) * sizeof(*name));
lstrcpyW(name, last_group);
lstrcatW(name, slashW);
lstrcatW(name, argv[0]);
lstrcatW(name, dotlnkW);
ret = DeleteFileW(name);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, name);
if (!ret) return DDE_FNOTPROCESSED;
FIXME("unhandled command %s\n", debugstr_w(command));
......@@ -296,10 +296,8 @@ static void test_progman_dde(DWORD instance, HCONV hConv)
ok(check_exists("Group1/f2g1Name.lnk"), "link not created\n");
error = dde_execute(instance, hConv, "[DeleteItem(f2g1Name)]");
todo_wine {
ok(error == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "expected DMLERR_NO_ERROR, got %u\n", error);
ok(!check_exists("Group1/f2g1Name.lnk"), "link should not exist\n");
sprintf(itemtext, "[AddItem(%s,f3g1Name)]", f3g1);
error = dde_execute(instance, hConv, itemtext);
......@@ -322,10 +320,8 @@ static void test_progman_dde(DWORD instance, HCONV hConv)
ok(error == DMLERR_NOTPROCESSED, "expected DMLERR_NOTPROCESSED, got %u\n", error);
error = dde_execute(instance, hConv, "[DeleteItem(f3g1Name)]");
todo_wine {
ok(error == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "expected DMLERR_NO_ERROR, got %u\n", error);
ok(!check_exists("Group1/f3g1Name.lnk"), "link should not exist\n");
error = dde_execute(instance, hConv, "[ShowGroup(Startup, 0)]");
ok(error == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "expected DMLERR_NO_ERROR, got %u\n", error);
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