Commit 6714664d authored by Mike McCormack's avatar Mike McCormack Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Eliminate forward declarations, make functions static.

parent 30dcc6b4
......@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IPropertySetStorage_fnQueryInterface(
void** ppvObject)
_ICOM_THIS_From_IPropertySetStorage(StorageImpl, ppstg);
return StorageBaseImpl_QueryInterface( (IStorage*)This, riid, ppvObject );
return IStorage_QueryInterface( (IStorage*)This, riid, ppvObject );
......@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ static ULONG WINAPI IPropertySetStorage_fnAddRef(
IPropertySetStorage *ppstg)
_ICOM_THIS_From_IPropertySetStorage(StorageImpl, ppstg);
return StorageBaseImpl_AddRef( (IStorage*)This );
return IStorage_AddRef( (IStorage*)This );
......@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ static ULONG WINAPI IPropertySetStorage_fnRelease(
IPropertySetStorage *ppstg)
_ICOM_THIS_From_IPropertySetStorage(StorageImpl, ppstg);
return StorageBaseImpl_Release( (IStorage*)This );
return IStorage_Release( (IStorage*)This );
......@@ -45,89 +45,6 @@
* Virtual function table for the StgStreamImpl class.
static IStreamVtbl StgStreamImpl_Vtbl =
** StgStreamImpl implementation
* This is the constructor for the StgStreamImpl class.
* Params:
* parentStorage - Pointer to the storage that contains the stream to open
* ownerProperty - Index of the property that points to this stream.
StgStreamImpl* StgStreamImpl_Construct(
StorageBaseImpl* parentStorage,
DWORD grfMode,
ULONG ownerProperty)
StgStreamImpl* newStream;
newStream = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(StgStreamImpl));
if (newStream!=0)
* Set-up the virtual function table and reference count.
newStream->lpVtbl = &StgStreamImpl_Vtbl;
newStream->ref = 0;
* We want to nail-down the reference to the storage in case the
* stream out-lives the storage in the client application.
newStream->parentStorage = parentStorage;
newStream->grfMode = grfMode;
newStream->ownerProperty = ownerProperty;
* Start the stream at the beginning.
newStream->currentPosition.u.HighPart = 0;
newStream->currentPosition.u.LowPart = 0;
* Initialize the rest of the data.
newStream->streamSize.u.HighPart = 0;
newStream->streamSize.u.LowPart = 0;
newStream->bigBlockChain = 0;
newStream->smallBlockChain = 0;
* Read the size from the property and determine if the blocks forming
* this stream are large or small.
return newStream;
* This is the destructor of the StgStreamImpl class.
......@@ -135,7 +52,7 @@ StgStreamImpl* StgStreamImpl_Construct(
* class. The pointer passed-in to this function will be freed and will not
* be valid anymore.
void StgStreamImpl_Destroy(StgStreamImpl* This)
static void StgStreamImpl_Destroy(StgStreamImpl* This)
TRACE("(%p)\n", This);
......@@ -170,7 +87,7 @@ void StgStreamImpl_Destroy(StgStreamImpl* This)
* This implements the IUnknown method QueryInterface for this
* class
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
IStream* iface,
REFIID riid, /* [in] */
void** ppvObject) /* [iid_is][out] */
......@@ -191,11 +108,8 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
* Compare the riid with the interface IDs implemented by this object.
if (memcmp(&IID_IUnknown, riid, sizeof(IID_IUnknown)) == 0)
*ppvObject = (IStream*)This;
else if (memcmp(&IID_IStream, riid, sizeof(IID_IStream)) == 0)
if (IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid)||
IsEqualGUID(&IID_IStream, riid))
*ppvObject = (IStream*)This;
......@@ -210,7 +124,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
* Query Interface always increases the reference count by one when it is
* successful
return S_OK;
......@@ -219,7 +133,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
* This implements the IUnknown method AddRef for this
* class
ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_AddRef(
static ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_AddRef(
IStream* iface)
StgStreamImpl* const This=(StgStreamImpl*)iface;
......@@ -230,7 +144,7 @@ ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_AddRef(
* This implements the IUnknown method Release for this
* class
ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Release(
static ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Release(
IStream* iface)
StgStreamImpl* const This=(StgStreamImpl*)iface;
......@@ -255,7 +169,7 @@ ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Release(
* that describes the stream.
* If the stream's size is null, no chain is opened.
void StgStreamImpl_OpenBlockChain(
static void StgStreamImpl_OpenBlockChain(
StgStreamImpl* This)
StgProperty curProperty;
......@@ -325,7 +239,7 @@ void StgStreamImpl_OpenBlockChain(
* See the documentation of ISequentialStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Read(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Read(
IStream* iface,
void* pv, /* [length_is][size_is][out] */
ULONG cb, /* [in] */
......@@ -426,7 +340,7 @@ end:
* See the documentation of ISequentialStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Write(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Write(
IStream* iface,
const void* pv, /* [size_is][in] */
ULONG cb, /* [in] */
......@@ -526,7 +440,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Write(
* See the documentation of IStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Seek(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Seek(
IStream* iface,
LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, /* [in] */
DWORD dwOrigin, /* [in] */
......@@ -588,7 +502,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Seek(
* See the documentation of IStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_SetSize(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_SetSize(
IStream* iface,
ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize) /* [in] */
......@@ -695,7 +609,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_SetSize(
* See the documentation of IStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_CopyTo(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_CopyTo(
IStream* iface,
IStream* pstm, /* [unique][in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */
......@@ -780,7 +694,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_CopyTo(
* See the documentation of IStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Commit(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Commit(
IStream* iface,
DWORD grfCommitFlags) /* [in] */
......@@ -795,13 +709,13 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Commit(
* See the documentation of IStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Revert(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Revert(
IStream* iface)
return S_OK;
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_LockRegion(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_LockRegion(
IStream* iface,
ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /* [in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */
......@@ -811,7 +725,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_LockRegion(
return E_NOTIMPL;
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_UnlockRegion(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_UnlockRegion(
IStream* iface,
ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /* [in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */
......@@ -829,7 +743,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_UnlockRegion(
* See the documentation of IStream for more info.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Stat(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Stat(
IStream* iface,
STATSTG* pstatstg, /* [out] */
DWORD grfStatFlag) /* [in] */
......@@ -872,7 +786,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Stat(
* should be basically as simple as creating a new stream with the same
* parent etc and positioning its seek cursor.
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Clone(
static HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Clone(
IStream* iface,
IStream** ppstm) /* [out] */
......@@ -901,3 +815,86 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Clone(
return S_OK;
* Virtual function table for the StgStreamImpl class.
static IStreamVtbl StgStreamImpl_Vtbl =
** StgStreamImpl implementation
* This is the constructor for the StgStreamImpl class.
* Params:
* parentStorage - Pointer to the storage that contains the stream to open
* ownerProperty - Index of the property that points to this stream.
StgStreamImpl* StgStreamImpl_Construct(
StorageBaseImpl* parentStorage,
DWORD grfMode,
ULONG ownerProperty)
StgStreamImpl* newStream;
newStream = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(StgStreamImpl));
if (newStream!=0)
* Set-up the virtual function table and reference count.
newStream->lpVtbl = &StgStreamImpl_Vtbl;
newStream->ref = 0;
* We want to nail-down the reference to the storage in case the
* stream out-lives the storage in the client application.
newStream->parentStorage = parentStorage;
newStream->grfMode = grfMode;
newStream->ownerProperty = ownerProperty;
* Start the stream at the beginning.
newStream->currentPosition.u.HighPart = 0;
newStream->currentPosition.u.LowPart = 0;
* Initialize the rest of the data.
newStream->streamSize.u.HighPart = 0;
newStream->streamSize.u.LowPart = 0;
newStream->bigBlockChain = 0;
newStream->smallBlockChain = 0;
* Read the size from the property and determine if the blocks forming
* this stream are large or small.
return newStream;
......@@ -240,66 +240,6 @@ struct StorageBaseImpl
* Prototypes for the methods of the Storage32BaseImpl class.
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_QueryInterface(
IStorage* iface,
REFIID riid,
void** ppvObject);
ULONG WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_AddRef(
IStorage* iface);
ULONG WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_Release(
IStorage* iface);
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_OpenStream(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */
void* reserved1, /* [unique][in] */
DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */
DWORD reserved2, /* [in] */
IStream** ppstm); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_OpenStorage(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName, /* [string][unique][in] */
IStorage* pstgPriority, /* [unique][in] */
DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */
SNB snbExclude, /* [unique][in] */
DWORD reserved, /* [in] */
IStorage** ppstg); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_EnumElements(
IStorage* iface,
DWORD reserved1, /* [in] */
void* reserved2, /* [size_is][unique][in] */
DWORD reserved3, /* [in] */
IEnumSTATSTG** ppenum); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_Stat(
IStorage* iface,
STATSTG* pstatstg, /* [out] */
DWORD grfStatFlag); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_RenameElement(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsOldName, /* [string][in] */
const OLECHAR* pwcsNewName); /* [string][in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_CreateStream(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */
DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */
DWORD reserved1, /* [in] */
DWORD reserved2, /* [in] */
IStream** ppstm); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageBaseImpl_SetClass(
IStorage* iface,
REFCLSID clsid); /* [in] */
* Storage32Impl definitions.
......@@ -351,59 +291,6 @@ struct StorageImpl
BigBlockFile* bigBlockFile;
* Method declaration for the Storage32Impl class
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_CreateStorage(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */
DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */
DWORD dwStgFmt, /* [in] */
DWORD reserved2, /* [in] */
IStorage** ppstg); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_CopyTo(
IStorage* iface,
DWORD ciidExclude, /* [in] */
const IID* rgiidExclude, /* [size_is][unique][in] */
SNB snbExclude, /* [unique][in] */
IStorage* pstgDest); /* [unique][in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_MoveElementTo(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */
IStorage* pstgDest, /* [unique][in] */
const OLECHAR* pwcsNewName, /* [string][in] */
DWORD grfFlags); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_Commit(
IStorage* iface,
DWORD grfCommitFlags); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_Revert(
IStorage* iface);
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_DestroyElement(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName); /* [string][in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_SetElementTimes(
IStorage* iface,
const OLECHAR* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */
const FILETIME* pctime, /* [in] */
const FILETIME* patime, /* [in] */
const FILETIME* pmtime); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_SetStateBits(
IStorage* iface,
DWORD grfStateBits, /* [in] */
DWORD grfMask); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StorageImpl_Stat(IStorage* iface,
STATSTG* pstatstg, /* [out] */
DWORD grfStatFlag); /* [in] */
void StorageImpl_Destroy(
StorageBaseImpl* This);
......@@ -551,37 +438,6 @@ struct IEnumSTATSTGImpl
* Method definitions for the IEnumSTATSTGImpl class.
IEnumSTATSTG* iface,
REFIID riid,
void** ppvObject);
IEnumSTATSTG* iface);
IEnumSTATSTG* iface);
IEnumSTATSTG* iface,
ULONG celt,
STATSTG* rgelt,
ULONG* pceltFetched);
IEnumSTATSTG* iface,
ULONG celt);
IEnumSTATSTG* iface);
IEnumSTATSTG* iface,
IEnumSTATSTG** ppenum);
IEnumSTATSTGImpl* IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Construct(
StorageImpl* This,
ULONG firstPropertyNode);
......@@ -667,80 +523,6 @@ StgStreamImpl* StgStreamImpl_Construct(
DWORD grfMode,
ULONG ownerProperty);
void StgStreamImpl_Destroy(
StgStreamImpl* This);
void StgStreamImpl_OpenBlockChain(
StgStreamImpl* This);
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
IStream* iface,
REFIID riid, /* [in] */
void** ppvObject); /* [iid_is][out] */
ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_AddRef(
IStream* iface);
ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Release(
IStream* iface);
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Read(
IStream* iface,
void* pv, /* [length_is][size_is][out] */
ULONG cb, /* [in] */
ULONG* pcbRead); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Write(
IStream* iface,
const void* pv, /* [size_is][in] */
ULONG cb, /* [in] */
ULONG* pcbWritten); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Seek(
IStream* iface,
LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, /* [in] */
DWORD dwOrigin, /* [in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_SetSize(
IStream* iface,
ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_CopyTo(
IStream* iface,
IStream* pstm, /* [unique][in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbRead, /* [out] */
ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbWritten); /* [out] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Commit(
IStream* iface,
DWORD grfCommitFlags); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Revert(
IStream* iface);
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_LockRegion(
IStream* iface,
ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /* [in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */
DWORD dwLockType); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_UnlockRegion(
IStream* iface,
ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /* [in] */
ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */
DWORD dwLockType); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Stat(
IStream* iface,
STATSTG* pstatstg, /* [out] */
DWORD grfStatFlag); /* [in] */
HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Clone(
IStream* iface,
IStream** ppstm); /* [out] */
* The StorageUtl_ functions are miscelaneous utility functions. Most of which are
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