Commit 68867e30 authored by Sebastian Lackner's avatar Sebastian Lackner Committed by Alexandre Julliard

opengl32: Ensure extension tables generated by make_opengl contain earliest…

opengl32: Ensure extension tables generated by make_opengl contain earliest GL_VERSION for each function. Signed-off-by: 's avatarSebastian Lackner <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlexandre Julliard <>
parent 12fb74ac
......@@ -692,12 +692,14 @@ sub parse_file($$)
# generate extension functions from norm functions, if they are newer than the category
while (my ($k, $v) = each(%{$data->{feature}})) {
my %features = %{$data->{feature}};
foreach (sort keys %features) {
my ($k, $v) = %features{$_};
if (!$norm_categories{$k} && $v->{api} =~ /^gl(\||$)/)
for my $req (@{$v->{require}}) {
for (keys %{$req->{command}}) {
if (!$norm_functions{$_}) {
if (!$ext_functions{$_} && !$norm_functions{$_}) {
$ext_functions{$_} = [ $functions{$_}[0], $functions{$_}[1], [ $k ] ];
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