Commit 689a49b5 authored by Rob Shearman's avatar Rob Shearman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

rpcrt4: Add a check for a NULL ref pointer to NdrPointerUnmarshall.

parent 8cdda268
......@@ -1500,18 +1500,28 @@ unsigned char * WINAPI NdrPointerUnmarshall(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg,
TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%d)\n", pStubMsg, ppMemory, pFormat, fMustAlloc);
/* Increment the buffer here instead of in PointerUnmarshall,
* as that is used by embedded pointers which already handle the incrementing
* the buffer, and shouldn't read any additional pointer data from the
* buffer */
if (*pFormat != RPC_FC_RP)
if (*pFormat == RPC_FC_RP)
ALIGN_POINTER(pStubMsg->Buffer, 4);
Buffer = pStubMsg->Buffer;
safe_buffer_increment(pStubMsg, 4);
/* Do the NULL ref pointer check here because embedded pointers can be
* NULL if the type the pointer is embedded in was allocated rather than
* being passed in by the client */
if (pStubMsg->IsClient && !*ppMemory)
ERR("NULL ref pointer is not allowed\n");
/* Increment the buffer here instead of in PointerUnmarshall,
* as that is used by embedded pointers which already handle the incrementing
* the buffer, and shouldn't read any additional pointer data from the
* buffer */
ALIGN_POINTER(pStubMsg->Buffer, 4);
Buffer = pStubMsg->Buffer;
safe_buffer_increment(pStubMsg, 4);
PointerUnmarshall(pStubMsg, Buffer, ppMemory, *ppMemory, pFormat, fMustAlloc);
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