/* Resources are placed in system RAM and do not need to be recreated when a device is lost. These resources are not bound by device size or format restrictions. Because of this, these resources cannot be accessed by the Direct3D device nor set as textures or render targets. However, these resources can always be created, locked, and copied. */
if(This->resource.pool==D3DPOOL_SCRATCH||This->resource.pool==D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM)/*never store scratch or system mem textures in the video ram*/
/* Resources are placed in system RAM and do not need to be recreated when a device is lost.
* These resources are not bound by device size or format restrictions. Because of this,
* these resources cannot be accessed by the Direct3D device nor set as textures or render targets.
* However, these resources can always be created, locked, and copied.
* In general never store scratch or system mem textures in the video ram. However it is allowed
* for system memory textures when D3DDEVCAPS_TEXTURESYSTEMMEMORY is set but it isn't right now.