Commit 6955e368 authored by Alex Henrie's avatar Alex Henrie Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dwmapi: Fill in function names of documented ordinals.

parent ec8425ba
100 stub DwmpDxGetWindowSharedSurface
101 stub DwmpDxUpdateWindowSharedSurface
102 stdcall DwmEnableComposition(long)
103 stub @
104 stub @
105 stub @
106 stub @
107 stub @
108 stub @
109 stub @
110 stub @
112 stub @
113 stub @
114 stub @
115 stub @
118 stub @
119 stub @
120 stub @
121 stub @
124 stub @
103 stub -noname DwmpRestartComposition
104 stub -noname DwmpSetColorizationColor
105 stub -noname DwmpStartOrStopFlip3D
106 stub -noname DwmpIsCompositionCapable
107 stub -noname DwmpGetGlobalState
108 stub -noname DwmpEnableRedirection
109 stub -noname DwmpOpenGraphicsStream
110 stub -noname DwmpCloseGraphicsStream
112 stub -noname DwmpSetGraphicsStreamTransformHint
113 stub -noname DwmpActivateLivePreview
114 stub -noname DwmpQueryThumbnailType
115 stub -noname DwmpStartupViaUserInit
118 stub -noname DwmpGetAssessment
119 stub -noname DwmpGetAssessmentUsage
120 stub -noname DwmpSetAssessmentUsage
121 stub -noname DwmpIsSessionDWM
124 stub -noname DwmpRegisterThumbnail
125 stub DwmpDxBindSwapChain
126 stub DwmpDxUnbindSwapChain
127 stub @
127 stub -noname DwmpGetColorizationParameters
128 stub DwmpDxgiIsThreadDesktopComposited
129 stub @
130 stub @
131 stub @
132 stub @
129 stub -noname DwmpDxgiDisableRedirection
130 stub -noname DwmpDxgiEnableRedirection
131 stub -noname DwmpSetColorizationParameters
132 stub -noname DwmpGetCompositionTimingInfoEx
133 stub DwmpDxUpdateWindowRedirectionBltSurface
134 stub @
134 stub -noname DwmpDxSetContentHostingInformation
135 stub DwmpRenderFlick
136 stub DwmpAllocateSecurityDescriptor
137 stub DwmpFreeSecurityDescriptor
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