39685 Multiple applications crash on startup, need unimplemented function msvcr120.dll.??0event@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ (Rollcage Redux v1.3.8, ARC client, Playstation Now)
40488 Revenant crashes when starting a new game
40798 ACDSee Pro 9 (64-bit) needs msvcr120.dll.??0event@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ
40948 Multiple apps need api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll.__initialize_lconv_for_unsigned_char
40910 The Next BIG Thing can't save the game (needs native xmllite)
40956 unimplemented function msvcr110.dll._Lock_shared_ptr_spin_lock when starting Zoner Photo Studio 18
41340 Unhandled page fault for Polaris Office Installer
41394 3DMark2001se 'Car chase' speed regression on mesa/nouveau
42001 SC2 unimplemented function ucrtbase.dll._except1
42450 Unimplemented copy from WINED3D_LOCATION_TEXTURE_RGB to WINED3D_LOCATION_TEXTURE_SRGB for depth/stencil buffers.
42129 Steam client - unimplemented function mfreadwrite.dll.MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource
42510 InternetOpenUrl does not send query parameters for HTTPS urls
42138 bug when running reaktor 6: "Unhandled exception: unimplemented function concrt140.dll.??0_ReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ called in 32-bit code (0x7b43bf1c)."
42557 NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M detected as GeForce GTX 470