Commit 6ac82b2a authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

server: Use hardware message category when checking filter.

parent 3ae2dc46
......@@ -2114,19 +2114,19 @@ static void queue_custom_hardware_message( struct desktop *desktop, user_handle_
static int check_hw_message_filter( user_handle_t win, unsigned int msg_code,
user_handle_t filter_win, unsigned int first, unsigned int last )
if (msg_code >= WM_KEYFIRST && msg_code <= WM_KEYLAST)
switch (get_hardware_msg_bit( msg_code ))
case QS_KEY:
/* we can only test the window for a keyboard message since the
* dest window for a mouse message depends on hittest */
if (filter_win && win != filter_win && !is_child_window( filter_win, win ))
return 0;
/* the message code is final for a keyboard message, we can simply check it */
return check_msg_filter( msg_code, first, last );
else /* mouse message */
/* we need to check all possible values that the message can have in the end */
/* we need to check all possible values that the message can have in the end */
if (check_msg_filter( msg_code, first, last )) return 1;
if (msg_code == WM_MOUSEWHEEL) return 0; /* no other possible value for this one */
......@@ -2141,6 +2141,9 @@ static int check_hw_message_filter( user_handle_t win, unsigned int msg_code,
if (check_msg_filter( msg_code + (WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK - WM_LBUTTONDOWN), first, last )) return 1;
return 0;
return check_msg_filter( msg_code, first, last );
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