Commit 6fd3bd9b authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

win32u: Ignore IME messages from IME UI windows in DefWindowProc.

parent 5c98617e
......@@ -2505,7 +2505,6 @@ static WCHAR ime_path[MAX_PATH];
static HIMC default_himc;
static HKL default_hkl;
static HKL expect_ime = (HKL)(int)0xe020047f;
static BOOL skip_DefWindowProc;
enum ime_function
......@@ -2704,7 +2703,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK ime_ui_window_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam,
ok( !ptr, "got IMMGWL_PRIVATE %#Ix\n", ptr );
ime_calls[ime_call_count++] = call;
if (skip_DefWindowProc) return 0;
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
......@@ -4431,7 +4429,6 @@ static void test_DefWindowProc(void)
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
skip_DefWindowProc = TRUE;
ok_ret( 0, DefWindowProcW( hwnd, WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION, 0, 0 ) );
ok_seq( start_composition_seq );
ok_ret( 0, DefWindowProcW( hwnd, WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION, 0, 0 ) );
......@@ -4462,7 +4459,6 @@ static void test_DefWindowProc(void)
ok_ret( 0, ret );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
skip_DefWindowProc = FALSE;
ok_ret( 1, ImmActivateLayout( old_hkl ) );
ok_ret( 1, DestroyWindow( hwnd ) );
......@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@ LRESULT default_window_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
HWND ime_hwnd = get_default_ime_window( hwnd );
if (ime_hwnd)
if (ime_hwnd && ime_hwnd != NtUserGetParent( hwnd ))
result = NtUserMessageCall( ime_hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam,
0, NtUserSendMessage, ansi );
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