Commit 7164fde4 authored by Thomas Faber's avatar Thomas Faber Committed by Alexandre Julliard

netapi32: Correctly reallocate buffer in NetWkstaUserGetInfo.

parent 637bcd5d
......@@ -1627,7 +1627,12 @@ NET_API_STATUS WINAPI NetWkstaUserGetInfo(LMSTR reserved, DWORD level,
(lstrlenW(ui->wkui0_username) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR),
(LPVOID *) bufptr);
if (nastatus != NERR_Success)
return nastatus;
ui = (PWKSTA_USER_INFO_0) *bufptr;
ui->wkui0_username = (LMSTR) (*bufptr + sizeof(WKSTA_USER_INFO_0));
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