Commit 74db1472 authored by Stefan Dösinger's avatar Stefan Dösinger Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wined3d: Separate OpenGL and driver version.

parent 3188d9ae
......@@ -512,6 +512,25 @@ BOOL IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps(WineD3D_GL_Info *gl_info) {
gl_string = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION);
if (gl_string != NULL) {
/* First, parse the generic opengl version. This is supposed not to be convoluted with
* driver specific information
gl_string_cursor = gl_string;
major = atoi(gl_string_cursor);
if(major <= 0) {
ERR("Invalid opengl major version: %d\n", major);
while (*gl_string_cursor <= '9' && *gl_string_cursor >= '0') {
if (*gl_string_cursor++ != '.') {
ERR_(d3d_caps)("Invalid opengl version string: %s\n", debugstr_a(gl_string));
minor = atoi(gl_string_cursor);
TRACE_(d3d_caps)("Found OpenGL version: %d.%d\n", major, minor);
gl_info->gl_version = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(major, minor);
/* Now parse the driver specific string which we'll report to the app */
switch (gl_info->gl_vendor) {
gl_string_cursor = strstr(gl_string, "NVIDIA");
......@@ -635,14 +654,14 @@ BOOL IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps(WineD3D_GL_Info *gl_info) {
major = 0;
minor = 9;
gl_info->gl_driver_version = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(major, minor);
TRACE_(d3d_caps)("found GL_VERSION (%s)->%i.%i->(0x%08x)\n", debugstr_a(gl_string), major, minor, gl_info->gl_driver_version);
gl_info->driver_version = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(major, minor);
TRACE_(d3d_caps)("found driver version (%s)->%i.%i->(0x%08x)\n", debugstr_a(gl_string), major, minor, gl_info->driver_version);
/* Current Windows drivers have versions like 6.14.... (some older have an earlier version) */
gl_info->gl_driver_version_hipart = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(6, 14);
gl_info->driver_version_hipart = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(6, 14);
} else {
FIXME("OpenGL driver did not return version information\n");
gl_info->gl_driver_version = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(0, 0);
gl_info->gl_driver_version_hipart = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(6, 14);
gl_info->driver_version = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(0, 0);
gl_info->driver_version_hipart = MAKEDWORD_VERSION(6, 14);
TRACE_(d3d_caps)("found GL_RENDERER (%s)->(0x%04x)\n", debugstr_a(gl_info->gl_renderer), gl_info->gl_card);
......@@ -732,7 +751,7 @@ BOOL IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps(WineD3D_GL_Info *gl_info) {
#define USE_GL_FUNC(type, pfn, ext, replace) { \
DWORD ver = ver_for_ext(ext); \
if(gl_info->supported[ext]) gl_info->pfn = (type) pwglGetProcAddress(#pfn); \
else if(ver && ver <= gl_info->gl_driver_version) gl_info->pfn = (type) pwglGetProcAddress(#replace); \
else if(ver && ver <= gl_info->gl_version) gl_info->pfn = (type) pwglGetProcAddress(#replace); \
else gl_info->pfn = NULL; \
......@@ -748,7 +767,7 @@ BOOL IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps(WineD3D_GL_Info *gl_info) {
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(EXTENSION_MAP) / sizeof(*EXTENSION_MAP)); ++i) {
if (gl_info->supported[EXTENSION_MAP[i].extension] == FALSE &&
EXTENSION_MAP[i].version <= gl_info->gl_driver_version && EXTENSION_MAP[i].version) {
EXTENSION_MAP[i].version <= gl_info->gl_version && EXTENSION_MAP[i].version) {
TRACE_(d3d_caps)(" GL CORE: %s support\n", EXTENSION_MAP[i].extension_string);
gl_info->supported[EXTENSION_MAP[i].extension] = TRUE;
......@@ -1537,8 +1556,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DImpl_GetAdapterIdentifier(IWineD3D *iface, UINT Ad
/* Note dx8 doesn't supply a DeviceName */
if (NULL != pIdentifier->DeviceName) strcpy(pIdentifier->DeviceName, "\\\\.\\DISPLAY"); /* FIXME: May depend on desktop? */
pIdentifier->DriverVersion->u.HighPart = Adapters[Adapter].gl_info.gl_driver_version_hipart;
pIdentifier->DriverVersion->u.LowPart = Adapters[Adapter].gl_info.gl_driver_version;
pIdentifier->DriverVersion->u.HighPart = Adapters[Adapter].gl_info.driver_version_hipart;
pIdentifier->DriverVersion->u.LowPart = Adapters[Adapter].gl_info.driver_version;
*(pIdentifier->VendorId) = Adapters[Adapter].gl_info.gl_vendor;
*(pIdentifier->DeviceId) = Adapters[Adapter].gl_info.gl_card;
*(pIdentifier->SubSysId) = 0;
......@@ -3653,7 +3653,8 @@ typedef struct _WineD3D_GL_Info {
GL_Vendors gl_vendor;
GL_Cards gl_card;
UINT vidmem;
DWORD gl_driver_version;
DWORD driver_version;
DWORD driver_version_hipart;
CHAR gl_renderer[255];
* CAPS Constants
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