38352 Multiple games need d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXComputeNormalMap (Foresight, Gamestudio Venice, GOG King Arthur Collection)
31850 Age of Mythology needs pidgen.dll.PIDGenSimpA
38626 Word 2010 image text mode wrapping menu hides after a few seconds
34097 Mega Man Unlimited: Game works, sound is choppy and slow
38919 HyperStudio 5 (.NET 4.0 app) hangs at splash screen ('PngDecoder_Frame_GetMetadataQueryReader' is a stub)
34101 Need for Speed: Shift demo crashes in 'purist' mode (d3dx9_36) (needs ID3DXEffect::FindNextValidTechnique method implementation)
39209 Smart Diary Suite 4 crashes when updating options ('CLSID_AudioCompressorCategory', '{33D9A761-90C8-11d0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}' must be treated as special category)
34182 Empire Earth v2.0: mouse cursor only moves at high mouse movement
40539 Fail to start HPDiagnosticCoreUI.exe
36843 "Read only"checkbox on Save As dialog
40943 System Shock demo (DX 11): loads to a white screen then switches to a black screen
38564 Rush for Berlin Gold crashes after starting
41096 ResEdit Resources treeview has rendered wrongly positioned first branch
38623 gdiplus: Image:GetPropertySize returns bogus values for a PNG image
41911 Multiple Microsoft applications need kernel32.FindNLSStringEx (Studio One 3, Microsoft Office 2016, PowerShell 6)
38829 Jammer Pro 6 crashes on file open
42768 Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (Ys 6) silently crashes playing in-game videos
38836 SCM 'StartService' must wait for driver service entry point execution before return (PunkBuster 'PnkBstrB' service failure, CPU-Z randomly fails to load its driver, BattlEye 'BEDaisy' kernel service)
43656 64-bit World of Warcraft client reports 'Game Initialization Failed!' or crashes on startup with stack overflow due to improper mapping of exception code
39979 SupArc crashes inside msvcr110
43828 The Witcher 3: some monsters have distorted surfaces sticking out
40164 Implement vulkan-1.dll to provide Vulkan API for Windows applications
44053 MobilePASS application quits with an error, needs unimplemented function bcrypt.dll.BCryptImportKey
44496 Custom imports resolver used by multiple kernel drivers can't cope with 'ntoskrnl.exe' low-level (wc)string/copy helpers being forwarded to 'msvcrt.dll' (BattlEye 'BEDaisy', Sentinel HASP 'hardlock.sys')
44676 Two Worlds crashes (hangs) when saving the game (anti-aliasing enabled)
44497 BattlEye 'BEDaisy' kernel service crashes on unimplemented ntoskrnl.exe ObCallback (object manager) functions
44701 xinput console spam with steam
44504 vlc 2.2.6: playback performance hampered
44707 Sigcheck v2.60 crashes on unimplemented function CRYPT32.dll.CryptSIPRetrieveSubjectGuidForCatalogFile
44623 The Witcher 3: Wine d3dx11 capped to 60Hz/fps
44717 Bermuda (Steam, Indie game) crashes due to 'msscript.ocx' 'ScriptControl_put_AllowUI' being a stub
44640 Enterprise Architect now longer draw diagram correctly with gdiplus
44736 incorrect module loading order
44677 Property dialogs in Visio 2003 are not working with Wine 3.2/3.3
44749 Sentinel HASP 'hardlock.sys' kernel driver expects ntdll.RtlCheckRegistryKey to return STATUS_SUCCESS on empty path
44693 Native Access crashes on unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.__current_exception
44742 Divinity: Original Sin 2 crashes due to unimplemented IPHLPAPI.DLL.ConvertLengthToIpv4Mask
44744 Autodesk Fusion 360 need propsys.dll.PSGetPropertyKeyFromName to be installed
44746 Running any command in MS PowerShell 6+ (.NET app) results in advapi:EventActivityIdControl console spam
44770 ExpressPCB Plus 1.1 (.NET 3.5 SP1 app) throws 'System.NotImplementedException: Not implemented at System.Drawing.Pen.TranslateTransform' (GdipTranslatePenTransform not implemented)