Commit 82c1fb41 authored by Daniel Lehman's avatar Daniel Lehman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcp90: Fix num_get<>::_Getffld.

parent 4c357de5
......@@ -348,9 +348,11 @@ static void (*__thiscall p_basic_stringstream_wchar_vbase_dtor)(basic_stringstre
/* istream */
static basic_istream_char* (*__thiscall p_basic_istream_char_read_uint64)(basic_istream_char*, unsigned __int64*);
static basic_istream_char* (*__thiscall p_basic_istream_char_read_double)(basic_istream_char*, double*);
static int (*__thiscall p_basic_istream_char_get)(basic_istream_char*);
static basic_istream_wchar* (*__thiscall p_basic_istream_wchar_read_uint64)(basic_istream_wchar*, unsigned __int64*);
static basic_istream_wchar* (*__thiscall p_basic_istream_wchar_read_double)(basic_istream_wchar*, double *);
static int (*__thiscall p_basic_istream_wchar_get)(basic_istream_wchar*);
/* basic_ios */
......@@ -477,11 +479,15 @@ static BOOL init(void)
......@@ -523,11 +529,15 @@ static BOOL init(void)
......@@ -707,12 +717,162 @@ static void test_num_get_get_uint64(void)
static void test_num_get_get_double(void)
unsigned short testus, nextus;
basic_stringstream_wchar wss;
basic_stringstream_char ss;
basic_string_wchar wstr;
basic_string_char str;
IOSB_iostate state;
locale lcl, retlcl;
wchar_t wide[64];
int i, next;
double val;
/* makes tables narrower */
const IOSB_iostate IOSTATE_faileof = IOSTATE_failbit|IOSTATE_eofbit;
struct _test_num_get {
const char *str;
const char *lcl;
IOSB_iostate state;
double val;
int next;
} tests[] = {
/* simple cases */
{ "0", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 0.0, EOF },
{ "10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10.0, EOF },
{ "+10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10.0, EOF },
{ "-10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, -10.0, EOF },
{ "+010", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10.0, EOF }, /* leading zero */
/* test grouping - default/"C" has no grouping, named English/German locales do */
{ "1,000", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' }, /* with comma */
{ "1,000", "English", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1000.0, EOF },
{ "1,000", "German", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1.0, EOF },
{ "1.000", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 1.0, EOF }, /* with period */
{ "1.000", "English", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1.0, EOF },
{ "1.000", "German", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1000.0, EOF },
{ "1,234.", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' },
{ "1,234.", "English", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1234.0, EOF }, /* trailing decimal */
{ "1,234.", "German", IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.234, '.' },
{ "1,234.5", "English", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1234.5, EOF }, /* group + decimal */
{ "1,234.5", "German", IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.234, '.' },
{ "1,234,567,890", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' }, /* more groups */
{ "1,234,567,890", "English", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1234567890.0, EOF },
{ "1,234,567,890", "German", IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.234, ',' },
{ "1.234.567.890", "German", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1234567890.0, EOF },
/* extra digits and stuff */
{ "00000.123456", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 0.123456, EOF },
{ "0.1234560000", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 0.123456, EOF },
{ "100aaaa", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 100.0, 'a' },
/* exponent */
{ "10e10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10e10, EOF }, /* lowercase e */
{ "10E10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10E10, EOF }, /* uppercase E */
{ "10e+10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10e10, EOF }, /* sign */
{ "10e-10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10e-10, EOF },
{ "10.e10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, 10e10, EOF }, /* trailing decimal before exponent */
{ "-10.e-10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, -10e-10, EOF },
{ "-12.345e-10", NULL, IOSTATE_eofbit, -12.345e-10, EOF },
{ "1,234e10", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' },
{ "1,234e10", "English", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1234.0e10, EOF },
{ "1,234e10", "German", IOSTATE_eofbit, 1.234e10, EOF },
{ "1.0e999", NULL, IOSTATE_faileof, 42.0, EOF }, /* too big */
{ "1.0e-999", NULL, IOSTATE_faileof, 42.0, EOF }, /* too small */
/* bad form */
{ "1,000,", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' }, /* trailing group */
{ "1,000,", "English", IOSTATE_faileof, 42.0, EOF },
{ "1.000.", "German", IOSTATE_faileof, 42.0, EOF },
{ "1,,000", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' }, /* empty group */
{ "1,,000", "English", IOSTATE_failbit, 42.0, EOF },
{ "1..000", "German", IOSTATE_failbit, 42.0, EOF },
{ "1.0,00", "English", IOSTATE_goodbit, 1.0, ',' },
{ "1.0,00", "German", IOSTATE_faileof, 42.0, EOF },
{ "1.0ee10", NULL, IOSTATE_failbit, 42.0, EOF }, /* dup exp */
{ "1.0e1.0", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 10.0, '.' }, /* decimal in exponent */
{ "1.0e1,0", NULL, IOSTATE_goodbit, 10.0, ',' }, /* group in exponent */
for(i=0; i<sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0]); i++) {
/* char version */
call_func2(p_basic_string_char_ctor_cstr, &str, tests[i].str);
call_func4(p_basic_stringstream_char_ctor_str, &ss, &str, OPENMODE_out|OPENMODE_in, TRUE);
if(tests[i].lcl) {
call_func3(p_locale_ctor_cstr, &lcl, tests[i].lcl, 0x3f /* FIXME: support categories */);
call_func3(p_basic_ios_char_imbue, &ss.basic_ios, &retlcl, &lcl);
val = 42.0;
call_func2(p_basic_istream_char_read_double, &ss.base.base1, &val);
state = (IOSB_iostate)call_func1(p_ios_base_rdstate, &ss.basic_ios.base);
next = (int)call_func1(p_basic_istream_char_get, &ss.base.base1);
if(strlen(tests[i].str) == 0) {
/* a later patch to istream<>::_Ipfx will handle empty string */
todo_wine ok(tests[i].state == state, "wrong state, expected = %x found = %x\n", tests[i].state, state);
} else
ok(tests[i].state == state, "wrong state, expected = %x found = %x\n", tests[i].state, state);
ok(tests[i].val == val, "wrong val, expected = %g found %g\n", tests[i].val, val);
ok(tests[i].next == next, "wrong next, expected = %c (%i) found = %c (%i)\n", tests[i].next, tests[i].next, next, next);
call_func1(p_locale_dtor, &lcl);
call_func1(p_basic_stringstream_char_vbase_dtor, &ss);
call_func1(p_basic_string_char_dtor, &str);
/* wchar_t version */
AtoW(wide, tests[i].str, strlen(tests[i].str));
call_func2(p_basic_string_wchar_ctor_cstr, &wstr, wide);
call_func4(p_basic_stringstream_wchar_ctor_str, &wss, &wstr, OPENMODE_out|OPENMODE_in, TRUE);
if(tests[i].lcl) {
call_func3(p_locale_ctor_cstr, &lcl, tests[i].lcl, 0x3f /* FIXME: support categories */);
call_func3(p_basic_ios_wchar_imbue, &wss.basic_ios, &retlcl, &lcl);
val = 42.0;
call_func2(p_basic_istream_wchar_read_double, &wss.base.base1, &val);
state = (IOSB_iostate)call_func1(p_ios_base_rdstate, &wss.basic_ios.base);
nextus = (unsigned short)(int)call_func1(p_basic_istream_wchar_get, &wss.base.base1);
if(strlen(tests[i].str) == 0) {
/* a later patch to istream<>::_Ipfx will handle empty string */
todo_wine ok(tests[i].state == state, "wrong state, expected = %x found = %x\n", tests[i].state, state);
} else
ok(tests[i].state == state, "wrong state, expected = %x found = %x\n", tests[i].state, state);
ok(tests[i].val == val, "wrong val, expected = %g found %g\n", tests[i].val, val);
testus = tests[i].next == EOF ? WEOF : (unsigned short)tests[i].next;
ok(testus == nextus, "wrong next, expected = %c (%i) found = %c (%i)\n", testus, testus, nextus, nextus);
call_func1(p_locale_dtor, &lcl);
call_func1(p_basic_stringstream_wchar_vbase_dtor, &wss);
call_func1(p_basic_string_wchar_dtor, &wstr);
ok(!invalid_parameter, "invalid_parameter_handler was invoked too many times\n");
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