Commit 8470e54b authored by Ivan Gyurdiev's avatar Ivan Gyurdiev Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wined3d: Remove detailed traces from map2gl/input_modifiers functions.

parent c05bc5d9
......@@ -860,7 +860,6 @@ inline static int gen_input_modifier_line(const DWORD instr, int tmpreg, char *o
/* Get register name */
get_register_name(instr, regstr, constants);
TRACE(" Register name %s\n", regstr);
switch (instr & D3DSP_SRCMOD_MASK) {
strcpy(outregstr, regstr);
......@@ -992,7 +991,6 @@ void pshader_hw_map2gl(SHADER_OPCODE_ARG* arg) {
BOOL partialprecision = FALSE;
DWORD shift;
TRACE("Appending glname %s to tmpLine\n", curOpcode->glname);
strcpy(tmpLine, curOpcode->glname);
/* Process modifiers */
......@@ -1021,7 +1019,6 @@ void pshader_hw_map2gl(SHADER_OPCODE_ARG* arg) {
/* Generate lines that handle input modifier computation */
for (i = 1; i < curOpcode->num_params; ++i) {
TRACE("(%p) : Param %u token %lx\n", This, i, src[i - 1]);
if (gen_input_modifier_line(src[i - 1], i - 1, regs[i - 1], tmpOp, This->constants))
shader_addline(buffer, tmpOp);
......@@ -1035,7 +1032,6 @@ void pshader_hw_map2gl(SHADER_OPCODE_ARG* arg) {
/* This function works because of side effects from gen_input_modifier_line */
/* Handle input registers */
for (i = 1; i < curOpcode->num_params; ++i) {
TRACE("(%p) : Regs = %s\n", This, regs[i - 1]);
strcpy(operands[i], regs[i - 1]);
get_input_register_swizzle(src[i - 1], swzstring);
strcat(operands[i], swzstring);
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