Commit 857e0549 authored by 's avatar Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Fixed joystick scaling.

parent cca2a3b3
......@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ void joySendMessages(void)
if (joyOpenDriver(joy) == FALSE) continue;
dev_stat = read(joy_dev[joy], &js, sizeof(js));
if (dev_stat == sizeof(js)) {
js.x = js.x*37;
js.y = js.y*37;
js.x = js.x<<8;
js.y = js.y<<8;
if ((joyCapData[joy].wXpos != js.x) || (joyCapData[joy].wYpos != js.y)) {
SendMessageA(CaptureWnd[joy], MM_JOY1MOVE + joy, js.buttons, MAKELONG(js.x, js.y));
joyCapData[joy].wXpos = js.x;
......@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ MMRESULT16 WINAPI joyGetPos16(UINT16 wID, LPJOYINFO16 lpInfo)
return JOYERR_UNPLUGGED; /* FIXME: perhaps wrong, but what should I return else ? */
count_use[wID] = 0;
js.x = js.x*37;
js.y = js.y*37;
js.x = js.x<<8;
js.y = js.y<<8;
lpInfo->wXpos = js.x; /* FIXME: perhaps multiply it somehow ? */
lpInfo->wYpos = js.y;
lpInfo->wZpos = 0; /* FIXME: Don't know what to do with this value as joystick driver doesn't provide a Z value */
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