Commit 86c3f683 authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winegstreamer: Make the GST_QualityControl methods static.

parent ebd28d50
......@@ -1400,19 +1400,19 @@ static inline GSTOutPin *impl_from_IQualityControl( IQualityControl *iface )
return (GSTOutPin*)CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, GSTOutPin, IQualityControl_iface);
HRESULT WINAPI GST_QualityControl_QueryInterface(IQualityControl *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
static HRESULT WINAPI GST_QualityControl_QueryInterface(IQualityControl *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
GSTOutPin *pin = impl_from_IQualityControl(iface);
return IPin_QueryInterface((IPin*)pin, riid, ppv);
ULONG WINAPI GST_QualityControl_AddRef(IQualityControl *iface)
static ULONG WINAPI GST_QualityControl_AddRef(IQualityControl *iface)
GSTOutPin *pin = impl_from_IQualityControl(iface);
return IPin_AddRef((IPin*)pin);
ULONG WINAPI GST_QualityControl_Release(IQualityControl *iface)
static ULONG WINAPI GST_QualityControl_Release(IQualityControl *iface)
GSTOutPin *pin = impl_from_IQualityControl(iface);
return IPin_Release((IPin*)pin);
......@@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI GST_QualityControl_Notify(IQualityControl *iface, IBaseFil
return S_OK;
HRESULT WINAPI GST_QualityControl_SetSink(IQualityControl *iface, IQualityControl *tonotify)
static HRESULT WINAPI GST_QualityControl_SetSink(IQualityControl *iface, IQualityControl *tonotify)
/* Do nothing */
return S_OK;
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