Commit 88a8d211 authored by Jörg Höhle's avatar Jörg Höhle Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winmm: mciSendString always returns a response string (albeit empty).

parent e5e150a4
......@@ -1535,8 +1535,10 @@ DWORD WINAPI mciSendStringW(LPCWSTR lpstrCommand, LPWSTR lpstrRet,
dwRet = MCI_SendCommand(wmd ? wmd->wDeviceID : uDevID, wMsg, dwFlags, (DWORD_PTR)&data);
TRACE("=> 1/ %x (%s)\n", dwRet, debugstr_w(lpstrRet));
if (!LOWORD(dwRet)) {
dwRet = MCI_HandleReturnValues(dwRet, wmd, retType, &data.generic, lpstrRet, uRetLen);
TRACE("=> 2/ %x (%s)\n", dwRet, debugstr_w(lpstrRet));
if (auto_open) {
......@@ -1569,9 +1571,9 @@ DWORD WINAPI mciSendStringA(LPCSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrRet,
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpstrCommand, -1, lpwstrCommand, len );
if (lpstrRet)
if (uRetLen) *lpstrRet = '\0'; /* NT-w2k3 use memset(lpstrRet, 0, uRetLen); */
lpwstrRet = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, uRetLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpwstrRet) {
WARN("no memory\n");
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpwstrCommand );
......@@ -189,11 +189,15 @@ static void test_mciParser(HWND hwnd)
err = mciSendString("open avivideo alias a", buf, sizeof(buf), hwnd);
ok(!err,"open another: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
err = mciSendString("", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING,"empty string: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "error buffer %s\n", buf);
err = mciSendString("open", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
ok(err==MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME,"open void: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "open error buffer %s\n", buf);
err = mciSendString("open notify", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME,"open notify: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
......@@ -214,15 +218,19 @@ static void test_mciParser(HWND hwnd)
err = mciSendString("status x length position", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE,"status length+position: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
err = mciSendString("set x time format milliseconds time format ms", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE,"status length+position: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "set error buffer %s\n", buf);
/* device's response, not a parser test */
err = mciSendString("status x", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER,"status waveaudio nokeyword: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
err = mciSendString("status a", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION,"status avivideo nokeyword: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "status error buffer %s\n", buf);
err = mciSendString("status x track", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER,"status waveaudio no track: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
......@@ -283,6 +291,7 @@ static void test_mciParser(HWND hwnd)
* and return the one error code or MCIERR_MULTIPLE if they differ. */
err = mciSendString("pause all", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_MULTIPLE || broken(err==MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION),"pause all: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "pause error buffer %s\n", buf);
/* MCI_STATUS' dwReturn is a DWORD_PTR, others' a plain DWORD. */
parm.status.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_TIME_FORMAT;
......@@ -448,6 +457,7 @@ static void test_openCloseWAVE(HWND hwnd)
err = mciSendString("sysinfo nodev installname", buf, sizeof(buf), hwnd);
ok(err==MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME,"sysinfo nodev installname: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "sysinfo error buffer %s\n", buf);
err = mciGetDeviceID("all");
ok(MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID==err || /* Win9x */(UINT16)MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID==err,"mciGetDeviceID all returned %u, expected %d\n", err, MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID);
......@@ -584,6 +594,7 @@ static void test_recordWAVE(HWND hwnd)
/* Info file fails until named in Open or Save. */
err = mciSendString("info x file", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
todo_wine ok(err==MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION,"mci info new file returned %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err));
ok(!buf[0], "info error buffer %s\n", buf);
/* Check the default recording: 8-bits per sample, mono, 11kHz */
err = mciSendString("status x samplespersec", buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
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