Commit 8d581d0e authored by Ken Thomases's avatar Ken Thomases Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winemac: Allow the user to attempt to resize a maximized window and try to restore it if they do.

OS X doesn't have the same concept of maximized windows as Windows does. There's no mode that prevents a normally-resizable window from being resized. If a window is "zoomed", it mostly fills the screen but the user can still move or resize it, at which point it ceases to be in the zoomed state. So, users are confused and frustrated when they can't resize a window that's maximized. To get similar behavior while still respecting Win32 semantics, we now let the user try to resize maximized windows. (The resize cursors are shown at the edges of the window frame.) When they start, a request is submitted to the app to restore the window. Unless and until the window is restored, we don't actually allow the window to change its size. The user expects to resize the window from its current (maximized) position. It should not jump to its normal position upon being restored. So, we set the window's normal position to its current position before restoring it.
parent 0a923299
......@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ static inline NSUInteger adjusted_modifiers_for_option_behavior(NSUInteger modif
- (BOOL) preventResizing
BOOL preventForClipping = cursor_clipping_locks_windows && [[WineApplicationController sharedController] clippingCursor];
return ([self styleMask] & NSResizableWindowMask) && (disabled || !resizable || maximized || preventForClipping);
return ([self styleMask] & NSResizableWindowMask) && (disabled || !resizable || preventForClipping);
- (void) adjustFeaturesForState
......@@ -814,6 +814,16 @@ static inline NSUInteger adjusted_modifiers_for_option_behavior(NSUInteger modif
- (void) sendResizeStartQuery
macdrv_query* query = macdrv_create_query();
query->type = QUERY_RESIZE_START;
query->window = (macdrv_window)[self retain];
[self.queue query:query timeout:0.3];
- (void) setMacDrvState:(const struct macdrv_window_state*)state
NSWindowCollectionBehavior behavior;
......@@ -892,6 +902,9 @@ static inline NSUInteger adjusted_modifiers_for_option_behavior(NSUInteger modif
maximized = state->maximized;
[self adjustFeaturesForState];
if (!maximized && [self inLiveResize])
[self sendResizeStartQuery];
behavior = NSWindowCollectionBehaviorDefault;
......@@ -1797,9 +1810,12 @@ static inline NSUInteger adjusted_modifiers_for_option_behavior(NSUInteger modif
- (void) windowDidEndLiveResize:(NSNotification *)notification
if (!maximized)
macdrv_event* event = macdrv_create_event(WINDOW_RESIZE_ENDED, self);
[queue postEvent:event];
self.liveResizeDisplayTimer = nil;
......@@ -1958,6 +1974,9 @@ static inline NSUInteger adjusted_modifiers_for_option_behavior(NSUInteger modif
if ([self inLiveResize])
if (maximized)
return self.frame.size;
NSRect rect;
macdrv_query* query;
......@@ -1992,12 +2011,21 @@ static inline NSUInteger adjusted_modifiers_for_option_behavior(NSUInteger modif
- (void) windowWillStartLiveResize:(NSNotification *)notification
macdrv_query* query = macdrv_create_query();
query->type = QUERY_RESIZE_START;
query->window = (macdrv_window)[self retain];
if (maximized)
macdrv_event* event;
NSRect frame = [self contentRectForFrameRect:self.frame];
[self.queue query:query timeout:0.3];
[[WineApplicationController sharedController] flipRect:&frame];
event = macdrv_create_event(WINDOW_RESTORE_REQUESTED, self);
event->window_restore_requested.keep_frame = TRUE;
event->window_restore_requested.frame = NSRectToCGRect(frame);
[queue postEvent:event];
[self sendResizeStartQuery];
frameAtResizeStart = [self frame];
resizingFromLeft = resizingFromTop = FALSE;
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void macdrv_handle_event(const macdrv_event *event)
macdrv_window_restore_requested(hwnd, event);
TRACE(" ignoring\n");
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ extern void macdrv_window_minimize_requested(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_did_unminimize(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_brought_forward(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_resize_ended(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_restore_requested(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_restore_requested(HWND hwnd, const macdrv_event *event) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_drag_begin(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void macdrv_window_drag_end(HWND hwnd) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern BOOL query_resize_size(HWND hwnd, macdrv_query *query) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
......@@ -291,6 +291,10 @@ typedef struct macdrv_event {
unsigned long serial;
void *tried_windows;
} window_got_focus;
struct {
int keep_frame;
CGRect frame;
} window_restore_requested;
} macdrv_event;
......@@ -2139,8 +2139,28 @@ void macdrv_window_resize_ended(HWND hwnd)
* Handler for WINDOW_RESTORE_REQUESTED events. This is specifically
* for restoring from maximized, not from minimized.
void macdrv_window_restore_requested(HWND hwnd)
void macdrv_window_restore_requested(HWND hwnd, const macdrv_event *event)
if (event->window_restore_requested.keep_frame && hwnd)
DWORD style = GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
struct macdrv_win_data *data;
if ((style & WS_MAXIMIZE) && (style & WS_VISIBLE) && (data = get_win_data(hwnd)))
RECT rect;
HWND parent = GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_PARENT);
rect = rect_from_cgrect(event->window_restore_requested.frame);
macdrv_mac_to_window_rect(data, &rect);
MapWindowPoints(0, parent, (POINT *)&rect, 2);
SetInternalWindowPos(hwnd, SW_SHOW, &rect, NULL);
perform_window_command(hwnd, WS_MAXIMIZE, 0, SC_RESTORE, HTMAXBUTTON);
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