Commit 9048257d authored by Rein Klazes's avatar Rein Klazes Committed by Alexandre Julliard

In reg_get_logfont:

- handle the case that the registry value is a LOGFONT16; - if the lfHeight field is positive, it represents the font's point size and must be converted to logical units.
parent e325f7ed
......@@ -325,6 +325,25 @@ static void SYSPARAMS_LogFont32ATo16( const LOGFONTA* font32, LPLOGFONT16 font16
lstrcpynA( font16->lfFaceName, font32->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE );
static void SYSPARAMS_LogFont16To32W( const LOGFONT16 *font16, LPLOGFONTW font32 )
font32->lfHeight = font16->lfHeight;
font32->lfWidth = font16->lfWidth;
font32->lfEscapement = font16->lfEscapement;
font32->lfOrientation = font16->lfOrientation;
font32->lfWeight = font16->lfWeight;
font32->lfItalic = font16->lfItalic;
font32->lfUnderline = font16->lfUnderline;
font32->lfStrikeOut = font16->lfStrikeOut;
font32->lfCharSet = font16->lfCharSet;
font32->lfOutPrecision = font16->lfOutPrecision;
font32->lfClipPrecision = font16->lfClipPrecision;
font32->lfQuality = font16->lfQuality;
font32->lfPitchAndFamily = font16->lfPitchAndFamily;
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, font16->lfFaceName, -1, font32->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE );
font32->lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE-1] = 0;
static void SYSPARAMS_LogFont32WTo32A( const LOGFONTW* font32W, LPLOGFONTA font32A )
font32A->lfHeight = font32W->lfHeight;
......@@ -858,7 +877,7 @@ void SYSPARAMS_Init(void)
* Tries to retrieve logfont info from the specified key and value
static BOOL reg_get_logfont(LPCWSTR key, LPCWSTR value, LOGFONTW *lf)
static BOOL reg_get_logfont(LPCWSTR key, LPCWSTR value, LOGFONTW *lf, int dpi)
HKEY hkey;
......@@ -876,15 +895,27 @@ static BOOL reg_get_logfont(LPCWSTR key, LPCWSTR value, LOGFONTW *lf)
size = sizeof(lfbuf);
if(RegQueryValueExW(hkey, value, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&lfbuf, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
type == REG_BINARY && size == sizeof(lfbuf))
type == REG_BINARY)
if( size == sizeof(lfbuf))
found = TRUE;
memcpy(lf, &lfbuf, size);
} else if( size == sizeof( LOGFONT16))
{ /* win9x-winME format */
found = TRUE;
SYSPARAMS_LogFont16To32W( (LOGFONT16*) &lfbuf, lf);
} else
WARN("Unknown format in key %s value %s, size is %ld\n",
debugstr_w( key), debugstr_w( value), size);
if( found && lf->lfHeight > 0) {
/* positive height value means points ( inch/72 ) */
lf->lfHeight = -MulDiv( lf->lfHeight, dpi, 72);
return found;
......@@ -1465,7 +1496,8 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
if (!spi_loaded[spi_idx])
int dpi = GetDeviceCaps( display_dc, LOGPIXELSY);
* The 'default GDI fonts' seems to be returned.
......@@ -1591,6 +1623,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
if (lpnm->cbSize == sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICSW))
int dpi = GetDeviceCaps( display_dc, LOGPIXELSY);
/* clear the struct, so we have 'sane' members */
(char *)pvParam + sizeof(lpnm->cbSize),
......@@ -1608,7 +1641,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
lpnm->iCaptionHeight = sysMetrics[SM_CYSIZE];
/* caption font metrics */
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_CAPTIONLOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfCaptionFont))
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_CAPTIONLOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfCaptionFont, dpi))
SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, 0, (LPVOID)&(lpnm->lfCaptionFont), 0 );
lpnm->lfCaptionFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
......@@ -1619,7 +1652,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
lpnm->iSmCaptionHeight = sysMetrics[SM_CYSMSIZE];
/* small caption font metrics */
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_SMCAPTIONLOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfSmCaptionFont))
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_SMCAPTIONLOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfSmCaptionFont, dpi))
SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, 0, (LPVOID)&(lpnm->lfSmCaptionFont), 0 );
/* menus, FIXME: names of wine.conf entries are bogus */
......@@ -1629,7 +1662,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
lpnm->iMenuHeight = sysMetrics[SM_CYMENUSIZE];
/* menu font metrics */
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_MENULOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfMenuFont))
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_MENULOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfMenuFont, dpi))
SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, 0, (LPVOID)&(lpnm->lfMenuFont), 0 );
GetProfileStringW( Desktop, MenuFont, lpnm->lfCaptionFont.lfFaceName,
......@@ -1639,7 +1672,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
/* status bar font metrics */
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_STATUSLOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfStatusFont))
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_STATUSLOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfStatusFont, dpi))
(LPVOID)&(lpnm->lfStatusFont), 0 );
......@@ -1650,7 +1683,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI SystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam,
/* message font metrics */
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_MESSAGELOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfMessageFont))
if(!reg_get_logfont(METRICS_REGKEY, METRICS_MESSAGELOGFONT_VALNAME, &lpnm->lfMessageFont, dpi))
(LPVOID)&(lpnm->lfMessageFont), 0 );
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