Commit 91bb0bf5 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

imm32/tests: Add some ImmGetCandidateListCount(W|A) tests.

parent 18d7be24
......@@ -5241,6 +5241,79 @@ cleanup:
static void test_ImmGetCandidateListCount( BOOL unicode )
HKL hkl, old_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 );
DWORD count;
HIMC himc;
winetest_push_context( unicode ? "unicode" : "ansi" );
/* IME_PROP_END_UNLOAD for the IME to unload / reload. */
ime_info.fdwProperty = IME_PROP_END_UNLOAD;
if (unicode) ime_info.fdwProperty |= IME_PROP_UNICODE;
if (!(hkl = ime_install())) goto cleanup;
hwnd = CreateWindowW( test_class.lpszClassName, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
100, 100, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
ok( !!hwnd, "CreateWindowW failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok_ret( 1, ImmActivateLayout( hkl ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmLoadIME( hkl ) );
himc = ImmCreateContext();
ok_ne( NULL, himc, HIMC, "%p" );
ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc );
ok_ne( NULL, ctx, INPUTCONTEXT *, "%p" );
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
ok_ret( 144, ImmGetCandidateListCountW( default_himc, &count ) );
ok_eq( 0, count, UINT, "%u" );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( 144, ImmGetCandidateListCountA( default_himc, &count ) );
ok_eq( 0, count, UINT, "%u" );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( 144, ImmGetCandidateListCountW( himc, &count ) );
ok_eq( 0, count, UINT, "%u" );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( 144, ImmGetCandidateListCountA( himc, &count ) );
ok_eq( 0, count, UINT, "%u" );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
cand_info = ImmLockIMCC( ctx->hCandInfo );
ok( !!cand_info, "ImmLockIMCC failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
cand_info->dwCount = 1;
ok_ret( 0, ImmUnlockIMCC( ctx->hCandInfo ) );
ok_ret( (unicode ? 144 : 172), ImmGetCandidateListCountW( himc, &count ) );
ok_eq( 1, count, UINT, "%u" );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( (unicode ? 172 : 144), ImmGetCandidateListCountA( himc, &count ) );
ok_eq( 1, count, UINT, "%u" );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( 1, ImmUnlockIMC( himc ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmDestroyContext( himc ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmActivateLayout( old_hkl ) );
ok_ret( 1, DestroyWindow( hwnd ) );
ime_cleanup( hkl, TRUE );
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
default_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 );
......@@ -5289,6 +5362,8 @@ START_TEST(imm32)
test_ImmGetCandidateList( TRUE );
test_ImmGetCandidateList( FALSE );
test_ImmGetCandidateListCount( TRUE );
test_ImmGetCandidateListCount( FALSE );
if (init())
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