Commit 928048b5 authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ole32: Fix spelling of pCapabilities.

parent 6477a1c1
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI CoInitializeSecurity(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc, LONG cAuthSvc
HRESULT WINAPI CoGetCallContext(REFIID riid, void** ppInterface);
HRESULT WINAPI CoQueryAuthenticationServices(DWORD* pcAuthSvc, SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE** asAuthSvc);
HRESULT WINAPI CoQueryProxyBlanket(IUnknown* pProxy, DWORD* pwAuthnSvc, DWORD* pAuthzSvc, OLECHAR** pServerPrincName, DWORD* pAuthnLevel, DWORD* pImpLevel, RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE* pAuthInfo, DWORD* pCapabilites);
HRESULT WINAPI CoQueryProxyBlanket(IUnknown* pProxy, DWORD* pwAuthnSvc, DWORD* pAuthzSvc, OLECHAR** pServerPrincName, DWORD* pAuthnLevel, DWORD* pImpLevel, RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE* pAuthInfo, DWORD* pCapabilities);
HRESULT WINAPI CoSetProxyBlanket(IUnknown* pProxy, DWORD dwAuthnSvc, DWORD dwAuthzSvc, OLECHAR* pServerPrincName, DWORD dwAuthnLevel, DWORD dwImpLevel, RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE pAuthInfo, DWORD dwCapabilities);
HRESULT WINAPI CoCopyProxy(IUnknown* pProxy, IUnknown** ppCopy);
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