Commit 93543d9e authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winex11: Don't use DragQueryFileW in export_hdrop.

parent 286471a3
......@@ -1336,30 +1336,39 @@ static BOOL export_text_html( Display *display, Window win, Atom prop, Atom targ
static BOOL export_hdrop( Display *display, Window win, Atom prop, Atom target, HANDLE handle )
UINT numFiles;
char *textUriList;
char *textUriList = NULL;
UINT textUriListSize = 32;
UINT next = 0;
const WCHAR *ptr;
WCHAR *unicode_data = NULL;
void *data = GlobalLock( handle );
DROPFILES *drop_files = data;
if (!drop_files->fWide)
char *p, *files = (char *)data + drop_files->pFiles;
p = files;
while (*p) p += strlen( p ) + 1;
if (!(unicode_data = malloc( (p - files) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) goto failed;
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, files, p - files, unicode_data, p - files );
ptr = unicode_data;
else ptr = (const WCHAR *)((char *)data + drop_files->pFiles);
if (!(textUriList = malloc( textUriListSize ))) goto failed;
textUriList = malloc( textUriListSize );
if (!textUriList) return FALSE;
numFiles = DragQueryFileW( handle, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0 );
for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
while (*ptr)
UINT dosFilenameSize;
WCHAR *dosFilename = NULL;
char *unixFilename = NULL;
UINT uriSize;
dosFilenameSize = 1 + DragQueryFileW( handle, i, NULL, 0 );
dosFilename = malloc( dosFilenameSize * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (dosFilename == NULL) goto failed;
DragQueryFileW( handle, i, dosFilename, dosFilenameSize );
unixFilename = wine_get_unix_file_name(dosFilename);
free( dosFilename );
unixFilename = wine_get_unix_file_name( ptr );
if (unixFilename == NULL) goto failed;
ptr += lstrlenW( ptr ) + 1;
uriSize = 8 + /* file:/// */
3 * (lstrlenA(unixFilename) - 1) + /* "%xy" per char except first '/' */
2; /* \r\n */
......@@ -1397,6 +1406,8 @@ static BOOL export_hdrop( Display *display, Window win, Atom prop, Atom target,
return TRUE;
GlobalUnlock( handle );
free( unicode_data );
free( textUriList );
return FALSE;
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