Commit 94fd6dc0 authored by Henri Verbeet's avatar Henri Verbeet Committed by Alexandre Julliard

d3d8: Implement CopyRects() on top of wined3d_surface_blt().

parent a39761a6
......@@ -931,6 +931,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_CopyRects(IDirect3DDevice8 *iface,
enum wined3d_format_id srcFormat, destFormat;
struct wined3d_resource_desc wined3d_desc;
struct wined3d_resource *wined3d_resource;
UINT src_w, src_h;
TRACE("iface %p, src_surface %p, src_rects %p, rect_count %u, dst_surface %p, dst_points %p.\n",
iface, pSourceSurface, pSourceRects, cRects, pDestinationSurface, pDestPoints);
......@@ -942,6 +943,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_CopyRects(IDirect3DDevice8 *iface,
wined3d_resource = wined3d_surface_get_resource(Source->wined3d_surface);
wined3d_resource_get_desc(wined3d_resource, &wined3d_desc);
srcFormat = wined3d_desc.format;
src_w = wined3d_desc.width;
src_h = wined3d_desc.height;
wined3d_resource = wined3d_surface_get_resource(Dest->wined3d_surface);
wined3d_resource_get_desc(wined3d_resource, &wined3d_desc);
......@@ -964,8 +967,9 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_CopyRects(IDirect3DDevice8 *iface,
/* Quick if complete copy ... */
if (!cRects && !pSourceRects && !pDestPoints)
wined3d_surface_bltfast(Dest->wined3d_surface, 0, 0,
Source->wined3d_surface, NULL, WINEDDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY);
RECT rect = {0, 0, src_w, src_h};
wined3d_surface_blt(Dest->wined3d_surface, &rect,
Source->wined3d_surface, &rect, 0, NULL, WINED3DTEXF_POINT);
......@@ -975,16 +979,25 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_CopyRects(IDirect3DDevice8 *iface,
for (i = 0; i < cRects; ++i)
wined3d_surface_bltfast(Dest->wined3d_surface, pDestPoints[i].x, pDestPoints[i].y,
Source->wined3d_surface, &pSourceRects[i], WINEDDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY);
UINT w = pSourceRects[i].right - pSourceRects[i].left;
UINT h = pSourceRects[i].bottom - pSourceRects[i].top;
RECT dst_rect = {pDestPoints[i].x, pDestPoints[i].y,
pDestPoints[i].x + w, pDestPoints[i].y + h};
wined3d_surface_blt(Dest->wined3d_surface, &dst_rect,
Source->wined3d_surface, &pSourceRects[i], 0, NULL, WINED3DTEXF_POINT);
for (i = 0; i < cRects; ++i)
wined3d_surface_bltfast(Dest->wined3d_surface, 0, 0,
Source->wined3d_surface, &pSourceRects[i], WINEDDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY);
UINT w = pSourceRects[i].right - pSourceRects[i].left;
UINT h = pSourceRects[i].bottom - pSourceRects[i].top;
RECT dst_rect = {0, 0, w, h};
wined3d_surface_blt(Dest->wined3d_surface, &dst_rect,
Source->wined3d_surface, &pSourceRects[i], 0, NULL, WINED3DTEXF_POINT);
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