Commit 9721edf5 authored by Detlef Riekenberg's avatar Detlef Riekenberg Committed by Alexandre Julliard

localspl/tests: Rename unclear string.

parent 99c716fe
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ static WCHAR cmd_MonitorUIW[] = {'M','o','n','i','t','o','r','U','I',0};
static WCHAR cmd_MonitorUI_lcaseW[] = {'m','o','n','i','t','o','r','u','i',0};
static WCHAR does_not_existW[] = {'d','o','e','s','_','n','o','t','_','e','x','i','s','t',0};
static WCHAR emptyW[] = {0};
static WCHAR invalid_serverW[] = {'\\','\\','i','n','v','a','l','i','d','_','s','e','r','v','e','r',0};
static WCHAR Monitors_LocalPortW[] = { \
......@@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ static WCHAR portname_com1W[] = {'C','O','M','1',':',0};
static WCHAR portname_fileW[] = {'F','I','L','E',':',0};
static WCHAR portname_lpt1W[] = {'L','P','T','1',':',0};
static WCHAR server_does_not_existW[] = {'\\','\\','d','o','e','s','_','n','o','t','_','e','x','i','s','t',0};
/* ########################### */
static void test_AddPort(void)
......@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ static void test_EnumPorts(void)
pcbNeeded = 0xdeadbeef;
pcReturned = 0xdeadbeef;
res = pEnumPorts(invalid_serverW, level, buffer, cbBuf+1, &pcbNeeded, &pcReturned);
res = pEnumPorts(server_does_not_existW, level, buffer, cbBuf+1, &pcbNeeded, &pcReturned);
ok( res, "(%d) returned %d with %d and %d, %d (expected '!= 0')\n",
level, res, GetLastError(), pcbNeeded, pcReturned);
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