Commit 9b69fe23 authored by Alex Henrie's avatar Alex Henrie Committed by Alexandre Julliard

cryptui: Have a single empty wide string at the top of main.c.

parent be8870d5
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(cryptui);
static HINSTANCE hInstance;
static const WCHAR empty[] = {0};
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
TRACE("(0x%p, %d, %p)\n", hinstDLL, fdwReason, lpvReserved);
......@@ -804,8 +806,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK cert_mgr_advanced_dlg_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
static void cert_mgr_clear_cert_selection(HWND hwnd)
WCHAR empty[] = { 0 };
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_MGR_EXPORT), FALSE);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_MGR_REMOVE), FALSE);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_MGR_VIEW), FALSE);
......@@ -1166,7 +1166,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK cert_mgr_dlg_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp,
WCHAR empty[] = { 0 };
HWND lv = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_MGR_CERTS);
int numSelected = SendMessageW(lv, LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT, 0, 0);
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