Commit 9c3a25b8 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

unicode: Specify a bit width instead of a format when dumping arrays.

parent a0882118
......@@ -917,8 +917,8 @@ sub dump_sortkeys($)
print OUTPUT "#include \"windef.h\"\n\n";
printf OUTPUT "const unsigned int DECLSPEC_HIDDEN collation_table[%d] =\n{\n", scalar @array;
printf OUTPUT " /* offsets */\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%08x", 0, @array[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%08x", 0, @array[256..$#array] );
printf OUTPUT " /* offsets */\n%s,\n", dump_array( 32, 0, @array[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", dump_array( 32, 0, @array[256..$#array] );
close OUTPUT;
......@@ -993,9 +993,10 @@ sub add_default_mappings($)
# dump an array of integers
sub DUMP_ARRAY($$@)
sub dump_array($$@)
my ($format,$default,@array) = @_;
my ($bit_width, $default, @array) = @_;
my $format = sprintf "0x%%0%ux", $bit_width / 4;
my $i;
my $ret = " ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $#array; $i++)
......@@ -1065,7 +1066,6 @@ sub dump_uni2cp_table($$)
printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned %s uni2cp_low[] =\n{\n", $width == 8 ? "char" : "short";
my $format = $width == 8 ? "0x%02x" : "0x%04x";
for (my $i = $index = 0; $i < 257; $i++)
next if $filled[$i] == -1;
......@@ -1074,12 +1074,12 @@ sub dump_uni2cp_table($$)
if ($i == 256)
print OUTPUT " /* defaults */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( $format, 0, ($def) x ($end - $start + 1) );
printf OUTPUT "%s\n};\n\n", dump_array( $width, 0, ($def) x ($end - $start + 1) );
printf OUTPUT " /* 0x%04x .. 0x%04x */\n", $start, $end;
printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( $format, $def, @uni2cp[$start .. $end] );
printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", dump_array( $width, $def, @uni2cp[$start .. $end] );
......@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ sub dump_uni2cp_table($$)
if ($filled[$i] == -1) { $filled[$i] = $filled[256]; }
printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned short uni2cp_high[256] =\n";
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @filled[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", dump_array( 16, 0, @filled[0..255] );
......@@ -1106,14 +1106,14 @@ sub dump_sbcs_table($$$$$)
if ($has_glyphs)
printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR cp2uni[512] =\n";
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $defw, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s", dump_array( 16, $defw, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* glyphs */\n%s\n};\n\n",
DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $defw, get_glyphs_mapping(@cp2uni[0 .. 255]) );
dump_array( 16, $defw, get_glyphs_mapping(@cp2uni[0 .. 255]) );
printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR cp2uni[256] =\n";
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $defw, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", dump_array( 16, $defw, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
dump_uni2cp_table( 8, $def );
......@@ -1158,14 +1158,14 @@ sub dump_dbcs_table($$$$@)
# output the ascii->unicode table for the single byte chars
printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR cp2uni[%d] =\n", 256 * ($#lblist + 2 + $unused);
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $defw, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s,\n", dump_array( 16, $defw, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
# output the default table for unused lead bytes
if ($unused)
printf OUTPUT " /* unused lead bytes */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($defw) x 256 );
printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", dump_array( 16, 0, ($defw) x 256 );
# output the ascii->unicode table for each DBCS lead byte
......@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ sub dump_dbcs_table($$$$@)
my $base = $lblist[$y] << 8;
printf OUTPUT " /* lead byte %02x */\n", $lblist[$y];
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $defw, @cp2uni[$base .. $base+255] );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, $defw, @cp2uni[$base .. $base+255] );
printf OUTPUT ($y < $#lblist) ? ",\n" : "\n};\n\n";
......@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ sub dump_dbcs_table($$$$@)
for (my $x = 0; $x <= $#lead_bytes; $x++) { $offsets[$lead_bytes[$x]]++; }
printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned char cp2uni_leadbytes[256] =\n";
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%02x", 0, @offsets );
printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", dump_array( 8, 0, @offsets );
dump_uni2cp_table( 16, $def );
......@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ sub dump_dbcs_table($$$$@)
printf OUTPUT " cp2uni_leadbytes,\n";
printf OUTPUT " uni2cp_low,\n";
printf OUTPUT " uni2cp_high,\n";
printf OUTPUT " {\n %s\n }\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%02x", 0, @lb_ranges, 0, 0 );
printf OUTPUT " {\n %s\n }\n", dump_array( 8, 0, @lb_ranges, 0, 0 );
printf OUTPUT "};\n";
......@@ -1880,16 +1880,15 @@ sub dump_case_table($@)
printf OUTPUT "const WCHAR %s[%d] =\n", $name, $index * 256 + 512 - $removed;
printf OUTPUT "{\n /* index */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 256, @filled );
printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", dump_array( 16, 256, @filled );
printf OUTPUT " /* defaults */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, (0) x 256 );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, (0) x 256 );
$index = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
next unless $filled[$i];
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* 0x%02x%02x .. 0x%02xff */\n", $i, $lowerbounds[$index], $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0,
@table[($i<<8) + $lowerbounds[$index] .. ($i<<8)+255] );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table[($i<<8) + $lowerbounds[$index] .. ($i<<8)+255] );
printf OUTPUT "\n};\n";
......@@ -1935,8 +1934,8 @@ sub dump_simple_mapping($$@)
my @array = compress_array( 256, $def, @_[0..65535] );
printf OUTPUT "const unsigned short %s[%d] =\n{\n", $name, $#array+1;
printf OUTPUT " /* offsets */\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @array[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @array[256..$#array] );
printf OUTPUT " /* offsets */\n%s,\n", dump_array( 16, 0, @array[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", dump_array( 16, 0, @array[256..$#array] );
......@@ -1951,9 +1950,9 @@ sub dump_two_level_mapping($$@)
for (my $i = 256; $i < @array; $i++) { $array[$i] += @array - 4096; }
printf OUTPUT "const unsigned short DECLSPEC_HIDDEN %s[%d] =\n{\n", $name, @array + @row_array - 4096;
printf OUTPUT " /* level 1 offsets */\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @array[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT " /* level 2 offsets */\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @array[256..$#array] );
printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @row_array[4096..$#row_array] );
printf OUTPUT " /* level 1 offsets */\n%s,\n", dump_array( 16, 0, @array[0..255] );
printf OUTPUT " /* level 2 offsets */\n%s,\n", dump_array( 16, 0, @array[256..$#array] );
printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", dump_array( 16, 0, @row_array[4096..$#row_array] );
......@@ -2137,8 +2136,8 @@ sub dump_nameprep($)
# dump the main index
printf OUTPUT "const unsigned short DECLSPEC_HIDDEN nameprep_mapping[%d] =\n", $total;
printf OUTPUT "{\n /* index */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @filled_idx );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null sub-index */\n%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($null_offset) x 16 );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @filled_idx );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null sub-index */\n%s", dump_array( 16, 0, ($null_offset) x 16 );
# dump the second-level indexes
for (my $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
......@@ -2147,12 +2146,12 @@ sub dump_nameprep($)
my @table = @filled[($i<<4)..($i<<4)+15];
for (my $j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) { $table[$j] ||= $null_offset; }
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* sub-index %02x */\n", $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
# dump the 16-char subsets
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null mapping */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, (0) x 48 );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, (0) x 48 );
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4096; $i++)
......@@ -2168,7 +2167,7 @@ sub dump_nameprep($)
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* 0x%03x0 .. 0x%03xf */\n", $i, $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "\n};\n";
......@@ -2297,7 +2296,7 @@ sub dump_compose_table($)
# terminator with last position
push @table, 0, $pos;
printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR table[0x%x] =\n{\n", 2*$pos;
printf OUTPUT " /* second chars + offsets */\n%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT " /* second chars + offsets */\n%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
# build the table of first chars and mappings
......@@ -2310,7 +2309,7 @@ sub dump_compose_table($)
push @table, $list[$j][0], $list[$j][1];
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* 0x%04x */\n%s", $i, DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* 0x%04x */\n%s", $i, dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
print OUTPUT "\n};\n\n";
print OUTPUT <<"EOF";
......@@ -2387,8 +2386,8 @@ sub dump_full_compat_table()
printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR compatmap_table[%d] =\n", $total + $data_total;
printf OUTPUT "{\n /* index */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @filled_idx );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null sub-index */\n%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($null_offset) x 16 );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @filled_idx );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null sub-index */\n%s", dump_array( 16, 0, ($null_offset) x 16 );
# dump the second-level indexes
......@@ -2398,13 +2397,13 @@ sub dump_full_compat_table()
my @table = @filled[($i<<4)..($i<<4)+15];
for (my $j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) { $table[$j] ||= $null_offset; }
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* sub-index %02x */\n", $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
# dump the 16-char offsets
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null offsets */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($total) x (16) );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, ($total) x (16) );
$pos = $total;
......@@ -2423,15 +2422,15 @@ sub dump_full_compat_table()
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* offsets 0x%03x0 .. 0x%03xf */\n", $i, $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
my @sentinel = $pos;
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* offset sentinel */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @sentinel );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @sentinel );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* data */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @data );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @data );
printf OUTPUT "\n};\n\n";
......@@ -2488,8 +2487,8 @@ sub dump_decompose_table($$)
printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR table[%d] =\n", $total;
printf OUTPUT "{\n /* index */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @filled_idx );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null sub-index */\n%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($null_offset) x 16 );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @filled_idx );
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null sub-index */\n%s", dump_array( 16, 0, ($null_offset) x 16 );
# dump the second-level indexes
......@@ -2499,13 +2498,13 @@ sub dump_decompose_table($$)
my @table = @filled[($i<<4)..($i<<4)+15];
for (my $j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) { $table[$j] ||= $null_offset; }
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* sub-index %02x */\n", $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
# dump the 16-char subsets
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* null mapping */\n";
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, (0) x 32 );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, (0) x 32 );
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4096; $i++)
......@@ -2520,7 +2519,7 @@ sub dump_decompose_table($$)
printf OUTPUT ",\n /* 0x%03x0 .. 0x%03xf */\n", $i, $i;
printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table );
printf OUTPUT "%s", dump_array( 16, 0, @table );
print OUTPUT "\n};\n\n";
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