Commit 9f88685f authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

gdi32: Directly use ntgdi functions in painting.c.

parent d3d6b832
......@@ -40,13 +40,17 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(gdi);
BOOL CDECL nulldrv_AngleArc( PHYSDEV dev, INT x, INT y, DWORD radius, FLOAT start, FLOAT sweep )
DC *dc = get_physdev_dc( dev );
INT x1 = GDI_ROUND( x + cos( start * M_PI / 180 ) * radius );
INT y1 = GDI_ROUND( y - sin( start * M_PI / 180 ) * radius );
INT x2 = GDI_ROUND( x + cos( (start + sweep) * M_PI / 180) * radius );
INT y2 = GDI_ROUND( y - sin( (start + sweep) * M_PI / 180) * radius );
INT arcdir = SetArcDirection( dev->hdc, sweep >= 0 ? AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE : AD_CLOCKWISE );
BOOL ret = ArcTo( dev->hdc, x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, x1, y1, x2, y2 );
SetArcDirection( dev->hdc, arcdir );
INT arcdir = dc->attr->arc_direction;
BOOL ret;
dc->attr->arc_direction = sweep >= 0 ? AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE : AD_CLOCKWISE;
ret = NtGdiArcInternal( NtGdiArcTo, dev->hdc, x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius,
x1, y1, x2, y2 );
dc->attr->arc_direction = arcdir;
return ret;
......@@ -64,9 +68,10 @@ BOOL CDECL nulldrv_ArcTo( PHYSDEV dev, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom,
if (!height || !width) return FALSE;
/* draw a line from the current position to the starting point of the arc, then draw the arc */
angle = atan2( (ystart - ycenter) / height, (xstart - xcenter) / width );
LineTo( dev->hdc, GDI_ROUND( xcenter + cos(angle) * xradius ),
GDI_ROUND( ycenter + sin(angle) * yradius ));
return Arc( dev->hdc, left, top, right, bottom, xstart, ystart, xend, yend );
NtGdiLineTo( dev->hdc, GDI_ROUND( xcenter + cos(angle) * xradius ),
GDI_ROUND( ycenter + sin(angle) * yradius ));
return NtGdiArcInternal( NtGdiArc, dev->hdc, left, top, right, bottom,
xstart, ystart, xend, yend );
BOOL CDECL nulldrv_FillRgn( PHYSDEV dev, HRGN rgn, HBRUSH brush )
......@@ -99,9 +104,12 @@ BOOL CDECL nulldrv_FrameRgn( PHYSDEV dev, HRGN rgn, HBRUSH brush, INT width, INT
BOOL CDECL nulldrv_InvertRgn( PHYSDEV dev, HRGN rgn )
INT prev_rop = SetROP2( dev->hdc, R2_NOT );
BOOL ret = NtGdiFillRgn( dev->hdc, rgn, get_stock_object(BLACK_BRUSH) );
SetROP2( dev->hdc, prev_rop );
DC *dc = get_physdev_dc( dev );
INT prev_rop = dc->attr->rop_mode;
BOOL ret;
dc->attr->rop_mode = R2_NOT;
ret = NtGdiFillRgn( dev->hdc, rgn, get_stock_object(BLACK_BRUSH) );
dc->attr->rop_mode = prev_rop;
return ret;
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