Commit a05e712c authored by Jeff Latimer's avatar Jeff Latimer Committed by Alexandre Julliard

usp10: Add ScriptPlace funtionality.

The key function is to calculate the total of the ABC widths of the characters converted to gylphs by ScriptShape.
parent 0c12e266
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ START_TEST(usp10)
if (hr ==0) {
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
pGoffset, pABC);
todo_wine ok (hr == 0, "Should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (hr == 0, "Should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
/* This test will check to make sure that SCRIPT_CACHE is reused and that not translation *
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ START_TEST(usp10)
if (hr ==0) {
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
pGoffset, pABC);
todo_wine ok (hr == 0, "ScriptPlace should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptPlace should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
hr = ScriptFreeCache( &psc);
......@@ -368,12 +368,65 @@ HRESULT WINAPI ScriptPlace(HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs,
int cGlyphs, const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,
SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, int *piAdvance, GOFFSET *pGoffset, ABC *pABC )
FIXME("(%p,%p,%p,%s,%d, %p, %p, %p): stub\n", hdc, psc, pwGlyphs,
HDC phdc;
int wcnt;
Scriptcache *pScriptcache;
FIXME("(%p, %p, %p, %s, %d, %p, %p, %p): semi-stub\n", hdc, psc, pwGlyphs,
cGlyphs, psva, psa,
return E_NOTIMPL;
/* We need a valid hdc to do any of the font calls. The spec says that hdc is optional and
* psc will be used first. If psc and hdc are not specified E_PENDING is returned to get
* the caller to return the hdc. For convience, the hdc is cached in SCRIPT_CACHE. */
if (!hdc && !*psc) {
TRACE("No Script_Cache (psc) and no hdc. Ask for one. Hdc=%p, psc=%p\n", hdc, *psc);
return E_PENDING;
} else
if (hdc && !*psc) {
pScriptcache = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(Scriptcache) );
pScriptcache->hdc = hdc;
phdc = hdc;
*psc = pScriptcache;
} else
if (*psc) {
pScriptcache = *psc;
phdc = pScriptcache->hdc;
/* Here we need to calculate the width of the run unit. At this point the input string
* has been converted to glyphs and we till need to translate back to the original chars
* to get the correct ABC widths. To make life easier the ABC widths are saved in the
* SCRIPT_CACHE. This is ok as the cache must be invalidated if the font or font size
* changes. */
lpABC = pScriptcache->CharWidths;
pABC->abcA = 0;
pABC->abcB = 0;
pABC->abcC = 0;
if (!pScriptcache->HaveWidths) {
if (GetCharABCWidthsW(phdc, 0, 255, lpABC ))
pScriptcache->HaveWidths = 1;
else {
WARN("Could not get ABC values\n");
for (wcnt = 0; wcnt < cGlyphs ; wcnt++) { /* add up the char lengths */
TRACE(" Glyph=%04x, abcA=%d, abcB=%d, abcC=%d wcnt=%d\n",
lpABC[pScriptcache->GlyphToChar[pwGlyphs[wcnt]]].abcC, wcnt);
pABC->abcA += lpABC[pScriptcache->GlyphToChar[pwGlyphs[wcnt]]].abcA;
pABC->abcB += lpABC[pScriptcache->GlyphToChar[pwGlyphs[wcnt]]].abcB;
pABC->abcC += lpABC[pScriptcache->GlyphToChar[pwGlyphs[wcnt]]].abcC;
TRACE("Total for run: abcA=%d, abcB=%d, abcC=%d\n", pABC->abcA, pABC->abcB, pABC->abcC);
return 0;
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